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Human readable can only be understood by human beings where as Machine readable is in Binary format and could only be understoood by machines. (eg. computers) The only way to understand machine readable is if the data is processed and output into human readable form by means of an output device :)

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output devices that produced hard or soft copies of information or data that can be read and interpreted by humans, while Machine readable devices are those that output in a form only a computer can process.

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Metadata refers to the data that is readable by the machine. The human-readable medium refers to the medium that is readable by the human beings.

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Q: Difference between human readable and machine readable?
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Differentiate between the process of debugging and compiling?

compiling - automated machine translation of high order human readable program code to low level machine readable program code.debugging - manual human analysis of program failures to track down incorrectly coded operations that are the root cause of the program failure.

What do you compile?

Compiling is the act of translating human-readable source code to machine-readable byte code.In Java, the compiler program is javac

Are HTML documents are human readable?

Any document that a human can read and understand without requiring an interpreter (it is written in the reader's native language, for instance). Machine code is not human-readable, it is intended to be read by a machine. Assembler language is a symbolic language that is essentially a human-readable form of machine code, however it's not easily understood by everyone except those familiar with Assembler language. High-level languages are more easily understood by most programmers, particularly those familiar with the language, while pseudocode is an abstract language intended to be human-readable even by non-programmers.

Does xml document support both human readable and machine readable formats?

No. Machines do not understand XML any more than they understand the works of Shakespeare. XML documents must be interpreted by a machine-code program that understands the meaning of the XML structure.

What is difference between compiled code and uncompiled code?

Probably that one is compile and the other isn't. - A programmer writes a computer program in a programming language that is more or less readable - at least to the programmer. This is called the "source code". This is then converted (compiled) into the so-called "machine language". The machine language can't be read by a human, unless a lot of effort is devoted to decoding it - but it is what the computer is designed to run.

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What are the similarities between data management and information management?

The two are very similar and overlap each other. The difference is that while information is data, data is not necessarily information. Data may be hidden or be in a machine-readable format while information is generally exposed and in a human-readable format.

Differentiate between the process of debugging and compiling?

compiling - automated machine translation of high order human readable program code to low level machine readable program code.debugging - manual human analysis of program failures to track down incorrectly coded operations that are the root cause of the program failure.

Can object code and source code of a compiler be in same language?

No, they are two different things, source code is human-readable and machine code is machine-readable (though it can be represented in assembly)

What do you compile?

Compiling is the act of translating human-readable source code to machine-readable byte code.In Java, the compiler program is javac

What is Human readable?

Any document that a human can read and understand without requiring an interpreter (it is written in the reader's native language, for instance). Machine code is not human-readable, it is intended to be read by a machine. Assembler language is a symbolic language that is essentially a human-readable form of machine code, however it's not easily understood by everyone except those familiar with Assembler language. High-level languages are more easily understood by most programmers, particularly those familiar with the language, while pseudocode is an abstract language intended to be human-readable even by non-programmers.

Why is there a need for compiler?

Compilers are needed to convert human readable source code into machine executable code.

What is the purpose of a base?

The purpose of a knowledge base is to store data for knowledge management for both machine-readable knowledge bases and human-readable knowledge bases. It is a repository for data storage that provides a means for knowledge to be collected, organized, searched and utilized and they can be either machine-readable by computers and other data processors or intended solely for human use.

What is the purpose of a knowledge base?

The purpose of a knowledge base is to store data for knowledge management for both machine-readable knowledge bases and human-readable knowledge bases. It is a repository for data storage that provides a means for knowledge to be collected, organized, searched and utilized and they can be either machine-readable by computers and other data processors or intended solely for human use.

Are HTML documents are human readable?

Any document that a human can read and understand without requiring an interpreter (it is written in the reader's native language, for instance). Machine code is not human-readable, it is intended to be read by a machine. Assembler language is a symbolic language that is essentially a human-readable form of machine code, however it's not easily understood by everyone except those familiar with Assembler language. High-level languages are more easily understood by most programmers, particularly those familiar with the language, while pseudocode is an abstract language intended to be human-readable even by non-programmers.

What is the difference between HMI and MMI?

HMI stands for Human Machine Interface. MMI is an older term meaning Man Machine Interface.

Does xml document support both human readable and machine readable formats?

No. Machines do not understand XML any more than they understand the works of Shakespeare. XML documents must be interpreted by a machine-code program that understands the meaning of the XML structure.

What is the difference between runtime and compilation?

Compilation is generally the process of parsing the human-readable source code and turning it into machine-readable byte code. Runtime occurs during the execution of the byte code as a program. Examples: A compile-time error is an error that occurs while the source code is being turned into byte code. A runtime error is an error that occurs while the program is executing.