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a karyotype

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Q: A photograph of human chromosomes that may be studied to determine possible genetic disorders is known as?
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Can you photograph virtual image?

Definitely possible to photograph it. But you cannot catch the image on a screen but virtual image can be seen by eyes. So photograph too is possible.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a cell donor by examining the cell?

Yes, by examining the DNA of the cell, you will be able to determine if the donor was male (XY) or female (XX) based on the sex chromosomes. You will not be able to determine the sex of the donor by the appearance of the cell - the only way is to determine what sex chromosomes are present. Unless the cell is a sex cell, in which case sperm cells are easily distinguished from ovum/eggs.

How many chromosomes are found in sperm cells from the above organism?

The number of chromosomes in sperm cells varies among organisms. Without knowing the specific organism mentioned above, it is not possible to determine the exact number of chromosomes in its sperm cells.

Why is a psychiatric assessment required when trying to determine if a child has ADHD?

mental disorders such as depression and anxiety disorder can cause symptoms similar to ADHD. A complete and comprehensive psychiatric assessment is critical to differentiate ADHD from other possible mood and behavioral disorders

Is it possible to distinguish individual chromosomes after telophase?

No, individual chromosomes cannot be distinguished after telophase as the nuclear envelope reforms around the separate sets of chromosomes, making it difficult to discern individual chromosomes without specialized techniques such as fluorescent tagging.

Can you see chromosomes in x ray?

No it is not possible

What three points on a skeleton determine gender?

A skeleton does NOT determine gender. The chromosomes of an individual do that. However it is usually possible to determine the gender of a human skeleton by examination of the width of the pelvissciatic notchventral arca protrusions from the skull are more marked in males than femalesheight of the skeletonbone thickness (robustness)gracility of the skeleton

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Why is it not possible for an individual to have a XY chromosomes?

About half of us DO have an XY chromosome. Males. XX chromosomes are female.

How do you make a drawing look like a photograph?

I don't think it's possible to make a drawing look like a photograph unless you're a very good artist

Is it possible to get back lost y chromosomes in men?


Government Surveys in the US employed photographers to do what?

photograph possible road and railroad routes