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Socrates believed in the idea of absolute truth and used questioning techniques, known as the Socratic method, to encourage critical thinking and self-discovery in his students. This approach involved asking probing questions to help individuals examine their beliefs and values to arrive at deeper, more reasoned conclusions.

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Q: Which philosopher believed truth was absolute and used questioning techniques as a method of teaching?
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What was the theory of suqrat?

Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher known for his method of questioning to elicit underlying truths and encourage critical thinking. He believed in the importance of self-examination, moral integrity, and the pursuit of knowledge as a means to living a virtuous life. Socrates's teachings and his questioning method influenced Western philosophy and ethics.

What was Socrates contribution to education?

Socrates' contribution to education was the development of the Socratic method, a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue to stimulate critical thinking and illumination of ideas. He believed in questioning students to help them discover their own knowledge, rather than simply imparting information. Socrates also emphasized the importance of self-awareness and questioning societal norms in the pursuit of truth and virtue.

Who described the importance of the general will?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a Swiss philosopher, described the importance of the general will in his political philosophy. He believed that the general will represents the common good of the community and should guide political decision-making for the benefit of all members of society.

What contributions did Socrates make towards education?

Socrates believed in the importance of questioning and critical thinking in education. He developed the Socratic method, a form of dialogue where a series of questions are posed to stimulate critical thinking and uncover underlying beliefs. This method has had a profound influence on modern education by emphasizing the importance of active learning and inquiry.

What did bruner believe in?

Jerome Bruner believed in the importance of actively constructing knowledge through interaction with the environment, as opposed to passively receiving information. He also emphasized the role of culture and social interaction in cognitive development. Finally, he advocated for the use of scaffolding and other instructional techniques to support learning.

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Who was the philosopher who examined beliefs and idea through critical questioning?

Socrates was the philosopher known for examining beliefs and ideas through critical questioning. He believed in the Socratic method of questioning assumptions in search of deeper truth and understanding.

This greek philosopher said that people would only understand themselves by questioning what they believed?

The Greek philosopher who emphasized self-awareness through questioning beliefs was Socrates. He believed in the importance of critically examining one's beliefs to gain true understanding of oneself and the world around them.

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Sophists were a category of teachers who specialised in using the techniques of philosophy and rhetoric for the purpose of teaching.

What year did Socrates become a philosopher?

Socrates began his career as a philosopher around the age of 40, in the late 5th century BC. It is believed that he started questioning people's beliefs and engaging in philosophical discussions around 399 BC.

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Socrates believed that a dog has the soul of a philosopher because they have an independent and intelligent nature, constantly questioning and seeking knowledge from their surroundings.

Who is the greek philosopher and teacher who taught by asking questions?

Socrates is the Greek philosopher known for his method of teaching through questioning, a practice known as the Socratic method. He believed in engaging in thought-provoking dialogue to stimulate critical thinking and search for deeper truths.

What is the contribution of Thomas Hobbes?

Hobbes, an Enlightenment Philosopher believed people needed to be governed by an absolute monarch as described in his writing called the Leviathan.

What Greek philosopher said that a fool can ask more questions in a day than a wise man can answer in a lifetime?

The quote is attributed to the philosopher Euripides. He believed that it is easier to ask questions than to answer them, implying that wisdom comes from questioning and seeking answers rather than claiming to know everything.

What philosopher believes in fate?

One philosopher who believed in fate was the ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus. He believed that everything is predetermined and that humans are powerless to change the course of events.

Who advocated the Socratic method of teaching through questions?

Socrates was the philosopher who advocated the Socratic method of teaching through questioning. He believed that through probing questions, individuals could arrive at a deeper understanding of concepts and ideas.