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The quote is attributed to the philosopher Euripides. He believed that it is easier to ask questions than to answer them, implying that wisdom comes from questioning and seeking answers rather than claiming to know everything.

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Q: What Greek philosopher said that a fool can ask more questions in a day than a wise man can answer in a lifetime?
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Who said A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer?

Homer, an ancient Greek poet, was the one who said "A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer." This quote is often used to emphasize the importance of thoughtful inquiry and discernment in seeking knowledge.

What is the literal meaning of ' that a fool can ask more questions in a day than a wise man can answer in a lifetime'?

This phrase means that foolish people tend to ask many questions hastily without taking the time to seek out thoughtful answers, while wise individuals understand the value of patience and reflection in finding meaningful answers. It emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity in seeking knowledge and understanding.

Who believed it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied?

The philosopher John Stuart Mill believed that it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. This idea reflects Mill's preference for intellectual depth and critical thinking over superficial contentment, as he valued the pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement.

What is another name for a unwise person?

A fool or a simpleton.

What does the quoteA Wise Man Can Learn More From A Foolish Question Than A Fool Can Learn From A Wise Answer mean?

This quote means that someone who is wise can gain insights and knowledge even from simple or foolish questions, while a fool may not benefit from even the most intelligent or wise responses. It highlights the importance of humility and open-mindedness in learning from all kinds of sources.

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When was King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime created?

King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime was created in 1994.

Who said A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer?

Homer, an ancient Greek poet, was the one who said "A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer." This quote is often used to emphasize the importance of thoughtful inquiry and discernment in seeking knowledge.

What is the Greek meaning of silly?

In the Greek language, silly means fool.

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What do i look like ? A fool....

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Fool or crazy (female. To a woman)

Is The Fool in the Robin Hobb books a woman?

No, The Fool is not a woman in Robin Hobb's books. The Fool is a male character who plays a significant role in the series, particularly in the "Realm of the Elderlings" series.

Is it appropriate to change statements into questions?

It's bad. It makes you sound like a fool.

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dont ask foolish questions fool stupid

What was the Seven headed monster in greek myth?

The "Hydra" but dont let that fool you, hydras can have 5+ heads.

What is when a fool is cursed he thinks he is being praised mean?

It means "none of your buisness" stop asking questions

Is WikiAnswers fool proof?

Yes, because anyone with a wikianswers account can answer the questions and give them any random answer.

What is the literal meaning of ' that a fool can ask more questions in a day than a wise man can answer in a lifetime'?

This phrase means that foolish people tend to ask many questions hastily without taking the time to seek out thoughtful answers, while wise individuals understand the value of patience and reflection in finding meaningful answers. It emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity in seeking knowledge and understanding.