Classical free electron theory is modeled by drude - Lorentz to explian elctrical conductivity in metals. According to this free electron in a metal (valence electron) move randdomly at room temperature and these free electron are drifted in opposite to the direection of the applied electric field. This is repsonsible for the conduction. Here all the free elctron are are considered as equal in all aspect.
According to the classical economists there is full employment in the economy, every job seeker gets the job in accordance with his capabilities and there is never involuntary unemployment. Moreover, the resources of the economy are fully employed. The classical economists believed in Lassies fair economy, there should be no government intervention in the economic affairs. In other world, the classical believed in the free enterprise economy. It is told that the classical economists never presented their model in a refined form. However, the credit goes to modern economists who integrated classical form. However, the credit goes to modern economists who integrated classical ideas. The classical model has two pillars. They are Says law of market and quantity theory of money. The say's law is concerned with the real sector or production sector of the economy. While quantity theory is linked with the classical views regarding labor market and credit are also presented. All such means the classical model is explained with the help of four markets of the economy: Goods market, credit market, labor market and money market. A closed private economy where there is no foreign trade and no government, Short run model where population, capital, technology and organizational knowledge remain the same. Anonymous
Keynesian economics Classical economics Mercantilism Nationalism
Classical economics emphasizes the importance of free markets and minimal government intervention, believing that the economy will naturally self-regulate. Keynesian economics, on the other hand, advocates for government intervention during economic downturns to stimulate demand and stabilize the economy. The key difference lies in their views on the role of government in managing the economy.
Classical economists claimed that free markets regulate themselves, when free of any intervention. Adam Smith referred to a so-called invisible hand, which will move markets towards their natural equilibrium, without requiring any outside intervention.
Capitalism or Libertarian ( they are not the same thing)
Classical free electron theory could not explain many physical properties. In 1928, Sommerfeld developed a new theory applying quantum mechanical concepts and Fermi-Dirac statistics to the free electrons in the metal. This theory is called quantum free electron theory.
The free electron theory assumes that electrons in a metal behave like a gas of free particles. It also assumes that these electrons are not restricted to individual atoms, can move freely through the metal lattice, and are responsible for various electrical and thermal properties of metals.
write note on free electron theory
Drawbacks of Classical free electron theory:1. It is macroscopic theory2. This theory cannot explain the electron conductivity ofsemiconductors and insulators.3. Ferromagnetism cannot be explained by this theory.4. This theory cannot explain the Photoelectric effect, Comptoneffect and the Black Body radiation.5. The calculated value of specific heat of metals is not matchingwith the experimental value.6. At low temperature, Lorentz number is not a constant. But by12classical theory it is a constant.7. Dual nature cannot be explained.8. Atomic fine spectra cannot be explained.9. Classical theory states that all the free electrons will absorbenergy, but quantum theory states that only few electrons willabsorb energy
Electrons are fermions and thus cannot occupy the same quantum states. They obey Fermi-Dirac statistics, and will occupy energy levels accordingly. This is different to the classica state where all electrons are pretty much equal (equal energies etc) and are not taken to be distrubuted amongst multiple states and energies. See Fermi Gas Model for a treatment of quantum free electron theory.
The free electron theory assumes that electrons in a solid are completely free to move throughout the material, without any interaction with the crystal lattice. In contrast, the nearly free electron theory recognizes that there are some interactions between the electrons and the crystal lattice, leading to energy bands and band gaps in the electron's motion within the solid.
Electronic theory is the theory of the behavior of the electron under various conditions including a free electron, a bound electron in either an outer or inner orbit of the atom.
Advantages: It provides a simple explanation for the electrical and thermal properties of metals, such as electrical conductivity and heat capacity. It also helps in understanding phenomena like the photoelectric effect. Disadvantages: It fails to explain certain phenomena at low temperatures, such as superconductivity, and does not consider the effects of electron-electron interactions. It also does not account for the quantization of energy levels that is observed in metals.
Electrons move free freely in a metal.
Lots of free electrons in conduction band. This is commonly referred to as the electron gas.
The classical theory in economics was developed by Adam Smith, often considered the "Father of Economics," in his seminal work "The Wealth of Nations" published in 1776. Smith's ideas form the foundation of classical economics and focused on the concepts of free markets, self-interest, and the invisible hand guiding market outcomes.
A current carrier can be any of the following: valence electron in a conductor, free electron in a semiconductor or metal, ion in an electrolyte, or proton in a hydrogen ion conductor. Ultimately, it depends on the material and conditions under which the current is being carried.