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Electrons are fermions and thus cannot occupy the same quantum states. They obey Fermi-Dirac statistics, and will occupy energy levels accordingly. This is different to the classica state where all electrons are pretty much equal (equal energies etc) and are not taken to be distrubuted amongst multiple states and energies. See Fermi Gas Model for a treatment of quantum free electron theory.

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The main difference lies in their underlying principles. Classical free electron theory treats electrons as particles moving freely in a conducting material, while Quantum free electron theory incorporates quantum mechanics to describe electrons as waves with quantized energy levels in a crystal lattice, which leads to phenomena such as band structure and Fermi surfaces.

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Q: What is the main difference between Classical free Electron theory and Quantum free Electron theory?
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What is the correspondence principle as first articulated by Bohr?

The correspondence principle, articulated by Bohr in 1923, states that the behavior of quantum systems must reflect classical physics in the limit of large quantum numbers. This principle reconciles the differences between classical and quantum mechanics by showing that classical physics is a limiting case of quantum mechanics. It asserts that the predictions of quantum mechanics converge to classical physics predictions as the quantum numbers become large.

What is the difference between quantum physics and physics?

Nothing. Quantum is a branch of physics

If the electron in a hydrogen atom obeyed classical mechanics instead of quantum mechanics would it emit a continuous spectrum or a line spectrum?

If the electron in a hydrogen atom obeyed classical mechanics instead of quantum mechanics, it would emit a continuous spectrum. This is because classical mechanics does not quantize energy levels like quantum mechanics does, leading to a continuous range of energy levels and thus a continuous spectrum when the electron transitions between them.

Why is it impossible for an electron to have the quantum numbers n3 i1?

I am checking the Wikipedia article on "quantum number", and don't find a quantum number "i" for the electron. If you mean "l", it seems that "l" can be between 0 and n-1. So, for n = 3, l can be between 0 and 2. If this is what you mean, I don't see any reason that would forbid this particular combination.

Why the classical theory of solids cannot explain the theory of solids?

The classical theory of solids is based on the assumption that atoms are fixed in a lattice structure and do not move. However, quantum mechanics shows that atoms in solids have wave-like properties and do exhibit movement. This discrepancy between classical theory and quantum mechanics makes classical theory inadequate for explaining the behavior of solids at the atomic level.

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How big is a quantum leap?

A quantum leap is the smallest possible change that an electron can make in an atom. It involves a discrete jump in energy levels when an electron transitions from one orbit to another. The size of a quantum leap is determined by the difference in energy levels between the initial and final states of the electron.

Explain the difference between the energy lost or gained by an atom according to the laws of classical physics and according to the quantum model of an atom?

In classical physics, the energy gained or lost by an atom is continuous and can have any value. In contrast, in the quantum model of an atom, the energy gained or lost is quantized, meaning it can only take on certain discrete values determined by the energy levels of the atom. This discreteness of energy levels in the quantum model helps explain phenomena such as atomic spectra and electron transitions.

What is the correspondence principle as first articulated by Bohr?

The correspondence principle, articulated by Bohr in 1923, states that the behavior of quantum systems must reflect classical physics in the limit of large quantum numbers. This principle reconciles the differences between classical and quantum mechanics by showing that classical physics is a limiting case of quantum mechanics. It asserts that the predictions of quantum mechanics converge to classical physics predictions as the quantum numbers become large.

The amount of energy needed to move an electron from one energy level to another is an?

The amount of energy needed to move an electron from one energy level to another is known as the energy difference between the two levels. This energy difference is typically quantified in electron volts (eV) or joules.

What is the difference between quantum physics and physics?

Nothing. Quantum is a branch of physics

Distinguish between quantum and classical physics?

Newtonian, or classical physics applies to physical, every day things, while quantum physics is a type of theoretical physics that does not apply to any physical things.

If the electron in a hydrogen atom obeyed classical mechanics instead of quantum mechanics would it emit a continuous spectrum or a line spectrum?

If the electron in a hydrogen atom obeyed classical mechanics instead of quantum mechanics, it would emit a continuous spectrum. This is because classical mechanics does not quantize energy levels like quantum mechanics does, leading to a continuous range of energy levels and thus a continuous spectrum when the electron transitions between them.

What must occur when an electron in an atom returns from a higher energy state to a lower energy state?

When an electron in an atom returns from a higher energy state to a lower energy state, it emits a photon of light. This process is known as electron transition or de-excitation. The energy of the emitted photon is equal to the energy difference between the two electron energy states.

What are the factors that lead to the concept of electron spin?

Electron spin arises from the need to explain certain properties of atoms that cannot be accounted for by classical physics. Experimental observations, such as the Stern-Gerlach experiment, provided evidence for the existence of electron spin. Quantum mechanics, specifically the need to incorporate the Pauli exclusion principle, also played a significant role in the development of the concept of electron spin.

What is the difference between opera and classical music?

when you do opera its with your voice and when you do classical music its with an instrument

If Coulomb's Law is applicable only for charges at rest then how can it apply to a revolving electron in a hydrogen atom to calculate force?

In the context of the hydrogen atom, the idea of a "revolving electron" is a simplified classical model that does not accurately describe the behavior of electrons in atoms according to quantum mechanics. In reality, electrons in atoms occupy specific orbitals defined by quantum numbers, and their behavior is governed by quantum mechanical principles, not classical mechanics. Coulomb's Law can still be used to describe the electrostatic interactions between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electron in the atom, even though the electron's motion is better described by quantum mechanics.