Most ghosts touch your legs first to let you know they are there. It is their way of warming up to you, and letting you know they are there. Most ghosts who fondle, are friendly, and want to make your acquantiance. I f you do not feel comfortable with this, let your ghost know, so they may approach in a more comfortable fashion.
Ghost crabs like all crabs are decapods. This means that they have ten legs.
Physically ghost cant touch humans and humans cant touch ghost. But ghost can manipulate dead items in order to kill a human.
neither edward wouldn't be able to touch the ghost and the ghost wouldn't be able to touch edward
Ghost, the witch has better powers but it couldn't touch the ghost, so ghost would win.
It isn't mandatory for your chest to touch your legs but it is much more effective and you will score more highly.
What does it mean when you hear a ghost crying at 11 in the evening and when you feel your legs paralized in your sleep for a few seconds after the crying?I experienced that a few days ago.
You can feel your legs by trying to move them or touch them with your hand.
there legs touch echuther
Sometimes ghost can be cold spots that randomly appear. they could also hit you or touch you.
No you could just have close legs unless you are fat...
"knock-knees" - a condition where the knees angle in and touch one another when the legs are straightened.Also called "Genu valgum"