Physically ghost cant touch humans and humans cant touch ghost. But ghost can manipulate dead items in order to kill a human.
I believe that mice do have stronger immune systems than humans because of the environment they dwell in.
ghosts aren't real
The robot would probably flip the human right over. Yes, robots are stronger than humans. You can't squeeze them but they can squeeze.
Not exactly. Pigs' bones tend to be a bit thicker and denser than that of a humans'.
yes it is maybe more than even humans
approximately four to seven times stronger than humans.
Generally, cougars are considered stronger than humans in terms of physical capability. Cougars are powerful predators with sharp teeth and claws, capable of taking down prey much larger than themselves. Humans, on the other hand, rely more on tools and intelligence to overcome natural predators like cougars.
Well, not all animals are stronger than humans, but the animals which are stronger than humans like elephants for example, is because they have adaptations to be strong which they need to get food or fight other animals to protect their young, food or territory to survive in their environment. Whereas humans rely on other ways to survive like our intelligence, although we are strong to a certain extent.
*Fills in for Ally-in-Wonderland* Yes, animals can sense ghost activity - and they do it better than most humans.
In terms of strength, most adult humans are physically stronger than cats. However, cats are known for their agility, flexibility, and hunting skills, allowing them to excel in activities like climbing, pouncing, and balance.