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There are none. Neither spells nor vampires are real.

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Q: What are some real vampire spells?
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Related questions

What spells will make you become a vampire?

There is no spells to change people into vampires. Vampires are not real and spells are not real. They are only in movies and not real life.

Are the spells the willow perform's in Buffy the vampire slayer real spells?

no.real spells are wiccan.

Vampire spell side effects?

Some people believe in vampire spells. Some people do not believe in vampire spells.

Are vampire spells real?

no one must know

Simple spells to become a vampire?

Vampires are not real and are only in movies. Spells are not real and only in movies. People can not change into vampires.

How do you make spell that will make me a real vampire?

You can't. Neither vampires nor spells are real.

What is the spell to turn into a vampire?

Motalis vortalis in com portas

Is a vampire spell evile?

Not all vampires are evil. It depends on a lot of different aspects. Some vampire spells are good, some are bad.

Do vampires spells work on people?

vampire spells?? i wasnt aware vampires have spells...

Will your mom notices your vampire fangs if you do the half vampire spell?

No, because you won't get fangs. Spells and vampires are not real. If you put in fake vampire teeth, people will probably notice, but you can easily take those out.

What are Bennys spells used in my Babysitters a Vampire?

Some spells used by Benny in the show "My Babysitter's a Vampire" include levitation, freezing time, telekinesis, and creating force fields. These spells help Benny assist his friends in battling supernatural creatures and solving mysteries.

Can some one turn into a vampire?

Yes all you have to do is find a vampire and make it bite you Some people also believe that there are religious spells and remidies for imortality!