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vampire spells?? i wasnt aware vampires have spells...

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Q: Do vampires spells work on people?
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Related questions

What spells will make you become a vampire?

There is no spells to change people into vampires. Vampires are not real and spells are not real. They are only in movies and not real life.

Do vampire spells actually work?

No because there are no such things as vampires and any way people just say that to scare people.

Simple spells to become a vampire?

Vampires are not real and are only in movies. Spells are not real and only in movies. People can not change into vampires.

Does the vampire spell work?

vampires have spells? Ahhh! run!

What are some real vampire spells?

There are none. Neither spells nor vampires are real.

Can kids use a spell to be a vampire?

No because spells are fictional and vampires are fictional.

How do you do all the spells?

Spells are not real and are only make believe. People can not turn things, move things, change things by spells. The only time this can happen is when the special effects people in movies go to work. Otherwise, magic spells are not real.

What is the spell to turn into a vampire?

Motalis vortalis in com portas

Do mermaid spells work?

Mermaids are not real. They come from legends so there are no spells to make people mermaids. It is all a fairy tale.

How do you make spell that will make me a real vampire?

You can't. Neither vampires nor spells are real.

How do you do a vampire spell?

Vampires don't exist and spells for them don't exist, so you have nothing to worry about.

Is there spells that work?

spells do work. you just have to believe, have faith, and ask god for his help