

Best Answer

They bite. The venom in their saliva burns your human cells and turn them into vampire ones. The cells are capable of holding blood without the need of human food. The change takes about a week. It is very painful and they wish for death to find them.

The venom is how the change take place. BUT one must also realize everyone's genetics are different, hence all of your confusion. There are two classifications a Vampire must question themselves on.

The first on has to do with feeding habits. A sang. is a blood feeder, a phi. is an energy feeder (feeding off of energy), and a hybrid can feed from both.

The second classification is based on the potency of their venom.

1) The most potent and only needs to bite once for 30 seconds or more. Think of twilight as an example of this one.

2) These vampires need to weaken their victims first so they feed off the victim then give blood in return. This is what I cal "The exchange." Example here is Moonlight.

3) These ones are even less venomous and need to do "The exchange 2 or more times. I have never come across these types in film so my example is a book, the first story in Night World.

4) This vampire can not turn anyone. They never have enough venom.

And not to mention, the transformation from human to vampire is very painful, but it is from exchange of blood not venom. You just exchange your human blood with vampire blood it has NOTHING to do with venom. The example of twilight is not a good one to use. And as a vampire you may have human food as long as you have some blood in your system.

Another Answer

The most popular answer is that a vampire uses their own blood to turn a human into a vampire. This is done first by the vampire draining much of the human blood out of their victim, usually by drinking it. Then the victim has to drink some of the vampire's blood. This is done by the vampire cutting or biting their own wrist and feeding their blood to the victim. Drinking the vampire's blood is the only way to get the vampire virus into the system of a human. It cannot be done by a simple bite from the vampire.

The virus then spreads throughout the victim's body eventually turning them into a vampire. The process takes about 3 days. Once the transformation is complete, the newly turned vampire must drink human blood soon or they will die.

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