* Vampires do not age : Humans do * Vampires drink blood : Humans don't * Vampires can live for ever and cannot be harmed Vampires are fictitious. Humans write fiction.
there is not much of a difference between vampire brides and human brides. the weddings are much the same exept when they say the vowls they dont say "until death do us part" they say "as long as we live".
Vampire : She has long hair, blood thirsty, more quiet, knows her past. Human : She has short hair, quiet, don't know her past
difference between vampires and humans are that vampires dead and they drink blood. Plus vampires can fly and humans cant and vampires are very pale and mean .
difference between human being & human person?
There is no such thing.Either you're a vampire or a human. If you're a human you can get changed into a vampire but you cannot be both. it would be called a dhampire it is when there is a child between both a human and a vampire (dont Know if i spelled it right
No. There is no difference, except for some dialogs.
for a human to become a vampire a vampire has to bite to human
In some stories human/vampire hybrids have some of the powers of vampires with fewer liabilities. Vampeels (such as Vampire Hunter D) retain the strength, speed and immortality of the vampire without being harmed by the sun or necessarily requiring human blood to live. Dhampirs (of Balkan mythology) are born with superhuman strength and nocturnal vision. While they aren't harmed by sunlight, they do have a prediliction for unsavory activities such as pacts with the devil, etc.
Zero is a vampire and a vampire hunter ichiru is a normal human and ichiru dies!
Edward is a vampire, Bella is a human.
Blood The Last Vampire was the movie that inspired the manga Blood+
one has overies and preduces eggs the otherone has a penis