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Vitamin E and C

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Q: Which two antioxidant nutrients actively scavenge and quench free radicals in the body include?
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What structural features of BHT are responsible for its antioxidant properties?

BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) contains antioxidant properties due to its ability to donate hydrogen atoms to free radicals, thereby stabilizing and neutralizing them. This is mainly attributed to its aromatic ring structure and the presence of hydroxyl groups, which allows it to scavenge free radicals and prevent oxidation reactions. Additionally, BHT is a lipophilic molecule, enabling it to penetrate lipid-rich environments and protect fats and oils from oxidative damage.

How do OH radicals react with molecules that contain hydrogen but not multiple?

They'll scavenge the hydrogens and form water.

Where do hyena get their nutrients?

They either hunt with their clans, or they scavenge.

What happens to the components of a tree after it dies?

Fungus, bacteria, insects and other animals scavenge the nutrients from the fallen tree - returning its energy back into the ecosystem.

Do kangaroos scavenge?

No. Most kangaroos are herbivores. They do not scavenge.

What is a sentence with scavenge?

I had to 'scavenge' the automotive graveyard for the right hubcap.

What is the noun form of the verb 'scavenge'?

The noun form of the verb "scavenge" is "scavenging".

Why do plants compete for nutrients and water?

they have to scavenge forimmobile nutrients either by exploring the soil with prolific root growth or by encouraging diffusion by increasing the concentration gradient by lowering the concentration at the Root surface. also the presence/absence of mycorrhiza can help with root extension

Do wolverines eat small bears?

No. Wolverines prefer to scavenge carcasses made by a bear or a wolf pack, and will fiercely defend their food against large bears or a pack of wolves. The will not actively hunt and kill a bear, small or not.

Are pigs and hogs scavengers?

in the wild they often scavenge on deer and elk so yes they do scavenge

Is a snake a consumer a producer or a decomposer?

Consumer. They are predators that actively hunt prey (their food) so they would be like a shopper. The do not make anything (except for the venomous ones, they produce venom to help disable or kill their prey) or scavenge for the dead.

Are lions sharks cheetahs and hyenas scavengers?

Yes, because they hunt around for their food. I f you haven't noticed they also eat carcases lying on the ground.