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What Odysseus must do to die happy is wander on the mainland until he finds people that don't use salt, carry an oar until someone calls it a fan, and make a huge sacrifice to all the gods, in order.

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Q: What must Odysseus do to die happy?
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Teiresias tell Odysseus many things about his journey home.The journey home will be tough for Odysseus because Poseidon still bears a grudge against Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus.When Odysseus reaches the isle of Thrinacia, he will find the Cattle of Helios.If Odysseus and his men touch the Cattle of Helios, Odysseus men will all die, and Odysseus will only return home in someone else's ship, with trouble at home. Circe later repeats this prediction.There will be many suitors in Ithaca, whom Odysseus must kill.Odysseus must make a journey with an oar until he reaches a place so far from the sea that people do not recognize the oar. There he shall set the oar as a shrine, and sacrifice to appease Poseidon.Odysseus will then die of old age, with a blessed kingdom.

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Who must Odysseus consult to learn his destiny?

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