Teiresias tell Odysseus many things about his journey home.
Odysseus would like the blind prophet Teiresias to tell him how to get home safely.
with his son
The journey to the underworld of Hades to speak to the dead Theban prophet Teiresias is a command given to Odysseus by the enchantress Circe. Circe, who was initally hostile to Odysseus and his men (she changed them into pigs on their first meeting) has become a good host. She has been Odysseus' lover, and hosted him and his crew on her island for a year. But the crew and Odysseus now desire to go home. When Odysseus tells her that it is time to leave, she replies: "Zeus-sprung son of Laertes, Odysseus of many devices, do not stay any longer against your will in my palace. Yet you first must accomplish a different journey and go down into the palace of Hades and Persephone, honored and dreaded, seeking prophetic advice of the Theban Teiresias' spirit, that the blind prophet in whom is a mind still fresh in its vigor"
the way home will be filled with troubled.
The blind prophet tells Odysseus that he will reach his home in Ithaca, but that his journey home will be filled with trouble (and it is).
The journey to the underworld of Hades to speak to the dead Theban prophet Teiresias is a command given to Odysseus by the enchantress Circe. Circe, who was initally hostile to Odysseus and his men (she changed them into pigs on their first meeting) has become a good host. She has been Odysseus' lover, and hosted him and his crew on her island for a year. But the crew and Odysseus now desire to go home. When Odysseus tells her that it is time to leave, she replies: "Zeus-sprung son of Laertes, Odysseus of many devices, do not stay any longer against your will in my palace. Yet you first must accomplish a different journey and go down into the palace of Hades and Persephone, honored and dreaded, seeking prophetic advice of the Theban Teiresias' spirit, that the blind prophet in whom is a mind still fresh in its vigor"
To stay away from Helio's cattle He needs to do some things in order to speak to his mother.
she tell him to go to the underworld where she can ask the spirit of Tiresias, a blind prophet who will tell him how to get home.
Teiresias does no such thing. He tells Odysseus all he needs to know.
Teiresias tells Odysseus to avoid the herds of Helios cattle on Thrinakia. Teiresisas saw that if Odysseus and men ate the cattle it would bring about their destruction.
Odysseus goes to hades because he was told to go see the blind prophet tiresias who would tell him what would happen and what to do.
The special relationship of sovereign to prophet is the relationship between Theban King Creon and Teiresias the blind prophet. In that interaction, Creon gets to have access to the special knowledge and powers of Teiresias. In return, Teiresias needs know how to tell hard truths to his ruler. It's a balancing act since anything that hints of criticism or of misfortune actually may be punishable as treason.