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Q: How can you harden limestone screening?
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What is the rock that forms when sand particles bits of soil and the remains of living things harden?


What causes limestone to harden with age?

Limestone hardens with age through a process called diagenesis, where pressure, temperature, and fluids cause the original minerals to recrystallize, compact, and bind together more tightly. Additionally, the deposition of new minerals like calcite can further cement the limestone over time, increasing its strength and durability.

Why is natural limestone seasoned?

Not sure what you mean but A) limestone IS natural anyway, and B) some limestones are relatively soft while in the middle of their unit but harden once quarried and exposed to the air.

Is mortar made up of rock?

Mortar has fine rock called, "Sand" in it. There is also finely pulverized limestone in it that helps harden it.

What rock forms chemically and organically?

Limestone is a rock that forms both chemically and organically. It is primarily composed of the mineral calcite, which can precipitate out of water or form from the remains of marine organisms like coral and shells. Over time, these accumulations can build up and harden into limestone rock.

True or false is limestone formed from mud that hardens into rock?

False. Limestone is formed from the accumulation of marine organisms such as seashells, coral, and algae, which compress and harden over time to create a sedimentary rock.

How is limestone used in cement?

Limestone is a key ingredient in cement production as it provides the calcium component needed to form the mineral phases during the kiln process. When limestone is heated in a kiln with other materials, such as clay, it reacts to form compounds that harden into the final cement product.

What is the present tense of harden?

The present tense of "harden" is "harden." For example, "The clay hardens as it dries."

What type of rock forms a fossil?

sedimentary rock -sedimentary rock because organisms die on land or on the bottom of a body of water and the sediments cover it and harden to form fossils. -also, limestone can form fossils.

What is macro screening and micro screening?

mikro screening

What is present tense of harden?

"Harden" is the present tense. Ex. I harden the the cement by allowing it to dry. The past tense is hardened. The future tense is will harden.

Is harden a verb?

Yes, harden is a verb.