the limestone harden because theirs another layers of limestone on top of it which pushes the bottom layer and flatten it.
Limestone hardens with age through a process called diagenesis, where pressure, temperature, and fluids cause the original minerals to recrystallize, compact, and bind together more tightly. Additionally, the deposition of new minerals like calcite can further cement the limestone over time, increasing its strength and durability.
Acids react with the calcium carbonate in limestone to form soluble compounds like calcium bicarbonate or calcium chloride, which then dissolve into water. This chemical reaction causes the limestone to erode and break down over time.
It releases bubbles if carbon dioxide gas.
Buildings made from limestone are affected by sulfur compounds from burning fossil fuels because sulfur dioxide in the air reacts with limestone to form sulfuric acid. This acid causes the limestone to deteriorate by dissolving and weakening its structure through a process known as acid rain.
The opposite of harden is soften.
Dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with limestone to form calcium chloride, carbon dioxide, and water. This reaction causes the limestone to break down and dissolve, resulting in the release of gas bubbles and the formation of a calcium chloride solution.
sprinkle water on it
Arthur Harden died on June 17, 1940 at the age of 74.
Not sure what you mean but A) limestone IS natural anyway, and B) some limestones are relatively soft while in the middle of their unit but harden once quarried and exposed to the air.
Mortar has fine rock called, "Sand" in it. There is also finely pulverized limestone in it that helps harden it.
Arthur Harden died on June 17, 1940 at the age of 74.
its the calcum salts that build up soft tissue and causes it to harden
Chemical reaction of lime and dehydrated gypsum with water.
The compound that causes limestone rock to be yellow in color is iron oxide. Iron oxide can give limestone a yellow or brownish hue due to the presence of iron minerals within the rock.
Spending too much time on your knees
Keratin... it's a natural substance that makes the nail harden.