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Q: When driving in windy weather should you drive in a crosswind situation?
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What side of the road you should drive in a crosswind situation?

On the side of the road you normally drive on. If the wind is THAT strong that you are unable to keep it under control, park it, The conditions are too unsafe to operate.

Which situation should horn be sounded while driving forklift?

As a warning at corners or if other vehicles are near you.

What should you do when driving in precipitation?

Turn on your headlights and your wipers drive a bit slower than when in good weather

When driving on the roadway on a sunny day following snowy or icy weather you should watch out for?

Slippery conditions.

When driving in foggy weather the driver should overdrive their headlights and travel at dramatically higher speeds?


What side of the road should you drive on in a crosswind situation?

Obviously if it is a two-land road there is one lane in each direction, so the law dictates which side--right in most of the world, left in the U. K. If there are two lanes for the direction you are going, you still have to consider other traffic even if you do have a crosswind. If I were on a multi-lane road with no other traffic and a strong crosswind, I would drive in the up-wind lane so if a gust blew me to the side, it would be to another lane, not to the shoulder or the median.

When driving in foggy weather you should turn on your headlights high beam parking lights low beam?

low beam

When driving in good weather at any speed you should follow behind a vehicle in front of you by no less than what?

2 second

How much driving time you should give the vehicle you're following?

At least three seconds, more in adverse weather conditions.

In order to adequately recognize a potentially dangerous situation while driving in the city you should maintain a visual lead of?

10-15 seconds

What does it mean when car shuts down while driving?

It means you should have a mechanic check it out soon. That could put you and others in a dangerous situation.

When driving in bad weather should you increase your following distance?

Yes, where it is windy and or the road is wet or your vision is limited by weather, you will take longer to stop your vehicle. To allow for this you should increase your distance from the vehicle ahead of you AND drive more slowly.