

Best Answer

Yes, your insurance pocily should covers all damage, based upon Texas laws.

Reason Why? They should.

Texas law required all driver must have auto insurance coverage before seating behind the sterling wheel.

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Q: Your friend lend you his car you got in to an accident should your insurance policy cover it?
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If friend drives your car and hits someone but is not insured by your insurance company who pays?

generally the person who owns the car at fault involved in the accident is financially responsible. hopefully you have insurance and your friend is not excluded from your policy for some reason. if your friend is not excluded then your insurance company should pay

If your 17 year old does not live with you and drives your car do you have to add him to the policy?

If you want him to have insurance cover in the event of an accident you should add him to your policy. Any body that is not on your insurance policy should NOT drive your car, if they have an accident you'll have big problems.

I let a friend drive my car and they had an accident whose insurance pays?

If your friend was at fault- then your insurance policy will pay first. Always remember the insurance follows the vehicle, NOT the driver. If the costs of the accident exceed your policy limits, your friend's policy will respond next.

Will life insurance pay in the event of a car accident?

There are very few exclusions in a life insurance policy so it should.

Whose insurance should pay if you get in an accident in your friend's car and damage is done to the car?

Insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver.

Will your insurance cover an accident if your friend was driving?

It should, if you let someone borrow your car, coverages should apply.

Will your auto insurance increase if you get into an accident with a friend's car?

Not unless you received a violation for the accident. Otherwise it will show on your record as a not at fault accident and should not raise your rates.

I have insurance and allowed a friend to drive my car and she had an accident who is at fault?

Your friend is. If she is over 25 she is normally covered. Because you claim on youe insurance, technically it will be an at fault accident and your premium may go up. You should talk to your insurer.

Your daughter caused an auto accident while on your policy She no longer is on it and is being sued from the woman she ran into Does your insurance policy still have to pay?

They should as long as she was covered at the time the accident took place, it was reported, and an accident claim was filed.

You and your mother are under the same insurance policy. however your mother hits your car by accident. would reporting the accident increase your mothers insurance would you be covered?

Yes, Your joint policy will cover the accident. You should contact your agent to determine if any points or rate increase would apply.

If your friend drives your car and was under the influence and crashed it would your insurance cover it?

About the only time that there is no coverage for a permissive driver is when that person has been officially excluded, in writing, prior to the accident. All normal provisions of the policy should apply. You and the driver of the car must cooperate with the investigation of the accident with your insurance company.

Can your car insurance cover your medical if you were involved in a motorcycle accident?

If your motorcycle was a scheduled vehicle on your Insurance Policy then you should be covered. If you were on someone Else's Motorcycle then their insurance policy should cover your medical. If neither coverage is available then you could look to your major medical policy or HMO for medical coverage.