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Your friend is. If she is over 25 she is normally covered. Because you claim on youe insurance, technically it will be an at fault accident and your premium may go up. You should talk to your insurer.

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Q: I have insurance and allowed a friend to drive my car and she had an accident who is at fault?
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What will happen to me if my friend borrows my car and they don't have a license or any insurance and get pulled over by the police?

Your Friend Will get multiple traffic tickets for driving without insurance and without a drivers license. If your friend has an at fault accident. The other party or his insurer can sue both you and your friend for any and all damages incurred. They can sue your friend because he was the driver and they can sue you because you are the owner of the vehicle who allowed him to drive your vehicle. .

If you allowed a friend to drive your car and he totaled it but his insurance company subtracted 500 from the check for the deductible why do you pay for his deductible?

Because this was an at-fault incident, the 500.00 deductible is your responsibility. You as the owner of the vehicle allowed your friend to drive the car to begin with. Your friend in all fairness should pay you the 500 dollars. Why is your friend's insurance paying you? Your own comprehensive/collision policy should pay you (less the deductible) and then "subrogate" the claim to your friend's auto or general liability insurance or sue him directly if he has no insurance and send you the deductible after they have collected.

If you get in an accident while driving a friend's car will her car insurance go up or just yours?

In my experience, if someone drives my car and get in an accident, I think he or her insurance has to pay for the damage of the other party and mine pays for the damage of my car. However, her insurance should go up, but not mine because I am not the one who drive at the time the accident occurs.

Would it effect the insurance he could get for his own car if my friend crashed my car with a learner's permit?

I wouldn't worry about your friend and his insurance, but your own. If you are a minor your parents owe for damages that your friend did to the other car. If you allowed him to drive the car without your parents permission that is a problem too. That was not smart allowing someone to drive your car.

Am I insured if I have an accident while driving some else's car?

If you have insurance yourself you are insured to drive someones car. If you have an accident your insurance will cover it.

Can I drive without vehicle insurance?

Yes, it is illegal to drive without insurance or without having sufficient insurance in Arizona. You will have 30 days to provide proof of insurance following an accident.

What happens if you let a friend borrow your car that is uninsured but the friend has non-owners insurance and he gets into an accident that wasn't his fault?

almost all states require liability insurance. the fact that the friend had 'non owner' does not mean that it was ok to drive an uninsured vehicle. the law requires the vehicles, not the drivers, to be insured.

Can you teach your son to drive in a rental car?

No, only authorized additional drivers are allowed to drive the car. IF an accident would happen, then it would be a violation of your rental contract which voids and and all coverages even if its personal insurance.

If a friend borrows your car and you did not know he has a suspended license will insurance pay for damages caused by an accident he had?

Yes, generally barring any exclusions in your policy if he had your (owners) permission to drive.

What if you do not have car insurance?

Don't drive. If you are stopped or have an accident you can lose your car and your license.

Can I get away with dropping my auto insurance?

I do not have a particular website to answer your question. I do know, however, that if you drive with no auto insurance it is against the law. Also, if you do get in an accident you are not covered for your injuries. Also, if the accident is your fault, you can get a hefty lawsuit served in your name. Keep shopping for cheaper insurance. Do not drive without auto insurance.

Can a restricted driver drive while not on parents' insurance?

If you have your own. Otherwise it is illegal to drive without insurance...and if you cause an accident and dont have insurance to pay for it you will be in really really big trouble.