definitely not, perhaps if you parked in a no parking zone.
The owner of the car (person(s)) who took the loan on the car are responsible
The one responsible for that is the person who own the car that hits your car.
It certainly sounds like an accident, and I'm sure your daughter didn't intentionally back into anything, however, as the driver, she is the only one responsible for controlling the car. Since you did not say that the other car was moving, I assume it was parked. It makes no difference to whose fault it is as to the color of the other car. When going in reverse, all cars have back-up lamps which should light the way enough. If there was not enough light for her to see, then she should not have backed-up.Added: Short version: The driver in control of the backing car is responsible for backing the car safely.
The person who stole the car.
the lady who backed into you, clearly she wasnt paying attention and backed into your car
the person who drove the car he is responsible he signs a form to say that he is responsible for what happens when they drive the car
Whomever backed into it is at fault.
The person that is responsible for the accident.
If a co signer of a car dies, the other person on the contract is still responsible for payment. The person who is deceased is no longer responsible for repayment.?æ
If YOU are the driver of the vehicle that started the chain collision, and pushed the car you hit into the car in front ot it. - YOU are responsible.
If a car damages your trash can, the person driving is responsible if the trash can is in the proper place. If the trash can is not in the proper place, it is your fault.