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NO, Homeowners Insurance would cover hail damage to the home depending on his policy but not to the cars, not his own car or anyone else's car. That's what car Insurance is for.

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Q: You live with your boyfriend and had a severe hail storm last thurs that caused severe damage to 2 of your vehicles can you claim this under his home owners he has hail damage coverage on his policy?
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Will property damage liability coverage cover your car for theft and fire?

No, only "comprehensive" coverage would pay for that. Liabiility AKA PLPD AKA property damage and liability ONLY covers other vehicles you may damage in a crash YOU have caused.

What does collision coverage insure?

The repair of damage caused to your car when you caused the accident

Does a person need to carry full coverage on all vehicles in a trucking business?

This is your decision. If the vehicles are financed then the finance agreement you have with the bank or finance company will require that you carry physical damage coverage. If the vehicles are paid for and not financed then the decision is completely up to the owner of the business. The owner will have to weigh the risk of loss versus the premium to carry physical damage coverage.

What do different rates cover?

Each state has a requirement for "minimum coverage," which amount to liability: coverage for damage and injury caused by your vehicle. This coverage also protects you. Minimum coverage is only available for vehicles that are owned outright by the owner (and not financed). This site details the requirements of each state, of which insurance companies are aware.

Does travellers cover damage by raccoons?

Most policies exclude coverage for damage caused by animals, varmints, and insects.

If you hit a high water area and hydro planed and hit a tree will comprehensive insurance cover the damage?

Your collision coverage should pay for the damage caused by hitting the tree.Comprehensive insurance covers water damage, hail and flood. However, in your scenario, the damage was only indirectly caused by the water. Damage to your car caused by hitting another car or a fixed object is paid for by your collision coverage.

What type of coverage pays for the damage to your car caused in a car accident?

what exactly are you asking. what is the question

Is it true that Michigan car insurance is no-fault insurance?

Yes, Michigan law requires no-fault coverage for all motor vehicles. This coverage must include personal injury, property damage, and liability coverage.

Will homeowners insurance cover a cracked foundation caused by an earthquake?

Typically, standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover damage to a foundation caused by earthquakes. You would need to purchase a separate earthquake insurance policy or rider to have coverage for this type of damage.

Does homeowner's insurance cover damage to the house caused by boarders living with the owner and policy holder?

Damage caused by bordersWith respect to 'building' coverage, the boarders are not 'insureds' (by definition) under the policy. Intentional or negligent damage caused by a household resident are not covered under an owners policy.You could seek coverage from the liability portion of your tenants renters policy.

Can you make a claim on your homeowners insurance to cover water damage caused to a neighbor's walls by your live-in boyfriend who is not on the policy?

It depends on the liability part of your policy, which covers problems caused by people in the home. However, water damage is a tough call depending on what kind of leak or action caused it. In short, the better thing to do is to have the boyfriend pay up for the damage he caused.

What does 4x4 insurance cover?

"There is a group called Out-In-Africa which provides 4x4 insurance coverage. 4x4 insurance coverage is set up mainly for those on safari in 4x4 vehicles. They cover loss or damage on 4x4 vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, caravans, and watercraft. They also provide medical emergency coverage."