

Best Answer

Yes, Michigan law requires no-fault coverage for all motor vehicles. This coverage must include personal injury, property damage, and liability coverage.

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Q: Is it true that Michigan car insurance is no-fault insurance?
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I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes from different comapnies: INSURANCE-QUOTES-FREE.INFO

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Where can I find information regarding car insurance rates in Michigan?

You can go to to search for car insurance in the Michigan region.

What is the average Michigan car insurance rate for liability only policies?

The average Michigan car insurance rate for liability only policies is about $2000

What is the average michigan car insurance rate?

You can check what the average quot eis at

Where can I get good car insurance quotes for Michigan?

You can go to to search for auto insurance in the Michigan region for free.

Which insurance companies offer car insurance quotes for Michigan drivers?

Almost all the major car insurance companies offer car insurance quotes in Michigan. State Farm, Geico, American Family, Liberty Mutual and All State will offer car insurance quotes online for Michigan drivers. In addition, Michigan drivers can head to a car insurance website like and obtain a quote from all major companies at the same time and compare the options.

What is the average car insurance rate in Michigan?

The average auto insurance rate in the Michigan region is about $900-1200. Average car insurance costs in MI are 1800 dollars a year.

Where can I find low car insurance rates in Michigan? is a good place

Does Michigan require car insurance?

The state of Michigan does require that all drivers have some car insurance. This includes either having liability or full policy coverage.

What are the minimum requirements for Michigan car insurance coverage?

The info you need is here

What Michigan city or zip code is charged the highest car insurance rate?

Detroit has the highest car insurance rates in the state of Michigan. On average, drivers pay 50% more for auto insurance in Detroit than in other Michigan cities.