Use a coat hanger or a jimmy, near to the window or door lock
if this is a major problem then best bet is to call the fire brigade.
How will you start the car without keys
My subaru keys are locked inside. Is there anyway of getting into the car?
Where you last left them.
It is legal for a garage to hold your keys in the office, but is illegal to keep them in the car unlocked! Sue them if they have kept the keys in the car, youll be rich!
Use the spare keys you should have. If not, call a locksmith.
there is an emergency door unlock switch under the car to the left of the gas tank
Break the window , start car with the keys and drive to your nearest glass shop .
You really should get your car checked.
The relative pronoun in the sentence is 'who', which introduces the relative clause 'who left the keys in the car'. The word 'one' is also a pronoun, an indefinite pronoun.
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