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Q: Does car insurance cover you if your car is stolen with the keys you left your house keys under the door mat an they got in that way?
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Is your laptop covered under homeowners insurance if stolen?

no, you have to get laptop cover

Will home owners Insurance cover tools in a vehicle that was stolen?

Yes under personal property/contents

Does house insurance cover broken retainers?

No. that would be covered under your dental insurance plan.

You had lawn equipment stolen from your house will homeowners insurance cover this?

It will be subject to your deductible and there might be some restrictions if the lawn equipment was used for your business, but otherwise yes! Lawn equipment is covered under your Homeowners policy under personal property coverage.

Does property insurance cover damages caused by a tree falling on my house?

Definetely you can claim for the damages caused by the tree falling on your house. The Insurance companies cover these damages under the property insurance. Just you have provide the photos of the damaged house aas an evidence to claim your money.

Will homeowners insurance cover damage to the neigborh house by your car?

No. You homeowners insurance specifically excludes motorized vehicles. You auto insurance will cover damage you did to their home with your car. Your homeowners is not designed to cover damage you do with your vehicle under any circumstances.

Will homeowners insurance cover money stolen at assisted living?

You might want to check with your insurance agent, but cash, stocks, bonds and bullion are typically not covered under your homeowners insurance policy unless specifically scheduled.

Will insurance cover theft of property from your house?

Yes, that coverage should be under the personal property section of your policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover garage doors?

It would cover you under your Buildings insurance

Does homeowners cover your house if your cars brakes goes out and it hits your house?

Yes, That would be a covered loss under most home insurance policies.

Would full cover insurance cover personal belongings in a car if it is stolen along with the car for example a laptop?

no, just the car Ditto, the laptop computer and all other personal belongings would have to be claimed under a renter's or home-owner's insurance policy.

Does Aetna insurance cover a provider for people under its plan?

yes the Aetna insurance cover a provider for people under its plan