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Absolutely. It is treated just as another claim, which the Insurance co has to honor.

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Q: You have two cars insured by the same company If they collide with each other will a claim be honored?
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How long do you have to file personal injury claim in auto accident in Georgia?

One would think that they would get this done within a couple days at the most, if only to make certain that the claim would be processed. Call the insured's company and ask them about this. Certainly, if one has waited past 30 days, the claim may not be honored.

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It was covered by Lloyd's of London

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Then you have a good argument to get the claim paid. For more info see

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The company files claim in which you got insured your car, and after a deep verification it reimbursed your compensation.

Is your car insured by fallen tree?

If you have comprehensive coverage, then it should. Call your company to make a claim.

What to do if the at fault driver has not reported a claim to their insurance?

You can file a claim with the at fault drivers Insurance Company yourself. You don't have to wait for the insured to do it. Just call them up report the accident and request a claim number. They are required by law to assign an adjuster whether or not their insured has reported it to them.

You were rearended by a drunk driver who happens to be insured by the same company as you Should you cooperate with the insurance company?

Of course you need to cooperate. Any time an Insurance co. has a claim, they have to investigate it and determine who's liable. Cooperating is in your best interest. Tha fact the you and the other driver are insured by the same company has nothing to do with the claim itself.

What are the allegation of claim against the insurance company?

When an insurance claim is lodged by an insured on the insurance company, it's a liability on them. The main allegations against the the insurers relatinlating to claim is delayed payment, denial of claim drastic reduction in claim amount on silly pretexts etc. The regulatory authorities have tried to minimize the sufferings of the insured persons by implementing many rules and regulations. Introduction of TPAs is a step in the right direction.

What is a claim letter?

A letter you write to your insurance agent/company when you want them to give you money for something you insured with them, explaing why.

How long do you have to wait for an insurance company who is not able to contact their policy holder who caused an accident and what do you do until then in Louisiana?

I am a claims adjuster for a large insurance company and one of the states I handle is Louisiana. An insurance company only has to show that they are making valid attempts at settling a claim - i.e., trying to reach their insured and trying to gather the information needed to settle the claim. The law does not specify a time frame in which a claim has to be settled and in some cases, the time frame can stretch on for months. The insurance company will usually send what is called a Reservation of Rights letter to the insured who is unresponsive to repeated calls and letters. This letter is very formal and legal and advises the insured that although the company is investigating the claim, the company reserves the right to deny coverage based on the fact that they are not upholding their end of the bargain (an insured agrees to cooperate in the investigation of all claims when they sign the contract). If the insured continues to be unresponsive, the insurance company can do one of two things. They can deny the claim based on lack of cooperation and the insured would then become legally liable for the damages (in this case you or your insurance company would have to sue the individual). Or if there is enough evidence to pay the claim, (a police report, witnesses, etc.) they MAY pay the claim. It is up to the discretion of the insurance company. As for what to do in the meantime, my suggestion would be to file with your own insurance company and let them try to recover your deductible from the at fault party.

Uninsured medical bills?

Should be turned into the company that is handling the uninsured motorist claim, (generally company that insured the 'insured' vehicle), they will most typcially wait to pay these bills until settlement is reached. If that didn't answer you question please expand it.

Defense costs inside the aggregate limit?

The insurance company will pay for the cost of defending a claim made against the insured. The cost of the lawyers will be paid for on top of whatever limit of insurance the insured has paid for. ie if the insured bought cover of £1m and he was sued for £1m then the insurance company will pay up to £1m and in addition to this the insurer will also pay the cost for all the lawyers who tried to defend the claim.