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You can also add DUI under some circumstances, repeat offense, refusing breathalyzer

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Q: You could face mandatory revocation of your license as a result of A Lying about ownership of your vehicle B Driving 5 to 10 mph over the speed limit C A child restraint violation?
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You could face mandatory revocation of your license as a relult of lying about ownership of your vehicle driving 5 to 10 mph over the speed limit or a child restraint violation?

In California none of these are enough to have a judge revoke your licence. Fines, tickets maybe a few days jailtime but at most a judge would only suspend your licence.

What is the penalty for a violation?

The penalty for a 1st time DUI violation consists of, 1 year licence revocation, mandatory attendance of a alcohol and drug treatment program, $350 - $1500 fine, restitution pay for injury of others or property, as well as other measures left at the judges discretion.

What is the penalty for a DUI violation?

The penalty for a 1st time DUI violation consists of, 1 year licence revocation, mandatory attendance of a alcohol and drug treatment program, $350 - $1500 fine, restitution pay for injury of others or property, as well as other measures left at the judges discretion.

How many points for a child restraint violation in Indiana?

3 points

Is a no child restraint ticket a moving violation in the state of Louisiana?

Yes it is, one of the most violation in the united states not only Louisiana

What are the penalties for poaching in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin law is: a fine of not more than $1,000 for the first violation and not more than $2,000 for subsequent violations or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both, and by a mandatory 3-year revocation of all hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals.

Will your license be revoked if you are covicted of a crime?

Not usually. However some states now have laws that give a judge the authority to order a ldrivers icense revoked for the violation of certain laws (such as possession of illegal drugs), and there are certain traffic offenses that entail mandatory suspension or revocation of one's license.

Is it a violation to drive a car without a rear bumper in Arizona?

Yes, bumpers are mandatory.

What is the fine for California violation 27315d1?

it's for not having a seatbelt on while driving

What is the cost of a seat belt violation in New York?

$50 plus a mandatory surcharge of $85

Austin municipal court violation DSC Mandatory code 143A?

Drivers Safety Course

How much is a provisional dl violation ticket in NJ?

$100.00 anda mandatory court appearance.