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If you are not At Fault and they are, you have the right to sue them for money to cover the accident and possible medical bills. Seek an attorney.

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Q: Would you be intitled to money if you were hit by an uninsured motorist?
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In a collision an uninsured motorist was at fault who pays for the damage insurance or uninsured motorist?

The insurance will pay for your damage if you have insurance from underinsured motorists. Otherwise, the motorist will pay for it who doesn't have insurance if they have any money.

What companies will insure a salvaged vehicle?

As far as I know all should, but insuring for any more than liability and perhaps uninsured motorist would be a waste of money.

What to do when a new leasing car was totaled by a uninsured motorist?

file a collision claim with your insurance company once all is settled they will go after (subrogate) the uninsured (assuming they are at fault) party to recoup theirs and your money.....

Can a medical insurance company recop money paid by uninsured motorist?

Yes, they can. When you enrolled in the health plan and when you submitted the claim, you agreed to allow them to recoup money from any responsible party. It does not matter whether the responsible party was insured or uninsured; if they paid, the health plan has the right to recoup the money it paid for your care.

How do you get the money for repairs if someone hit your car and doesn't have insurance?

Either through your own "uninsured motorist" coverage in your policy or through a lawsuit against the person that hit you.

What happens if you have car insurance but the person that hits you does not?

You can sue them in small claims court for your deserved money as long as you have proof of the damage. If you have Uninsured Motorist coverage, it will pay for the damage, minus any deductible.

How can you get money after a car wreck without insurance?

Who is it that doesn't have insurance (your, or the 'other' person)? If you don't have insurance and are at fault there is no way you can receive any money for the car. If ther other person involved is missing insurance then you will still be covered if you pay for collision or uninsured motorist.

Understanding Uninsured Motorist Insurance In New Jersey?

New Jersey requires that drivers hold uninsured motorist insurance because of the number of drivers in the state who are on the roads without proper coverage. This type of insurance will cover the damages that are caused by another driver in an accident if that driver does not have insurance. Many insurers will also include coverage in the case of an underinsured driver who does have insurance but whose policy does not pay enough to cover the damages that are incurred. Uninsured motorist insurance will help to make up the difference in compensation between what a driver should receive and what the negligent individual can pay. It does not provide extra money above what the main insurance policy would normally pay. One of the key elements that can dictate whether a driver will receive money due to an accident with an uninsured driver is the issue of liability. New Jersey has comparative negligence laws in place. This means that the fault for an accident can be placed on more than one individual. The uninsured driver must be found to have a larger portion of negligence than the driver with insurance. If the policyholder is found to have the larger portion of fault in an accident then the uninsured motorist coverage will not be applicable. The actual definition for who is an uninsured driver in New Jersey is not always clear and can actually be applied to a broad range of individuals. A person is considered uninsured if they are not holding any liability coverage. A person can also be considered uninsured or underinsured if they have some form of liability coverage but the amount of the policy is not enough to pay for any damages that have been caused. Another definition for an uninsured motorist is a person who had insurance when the accident occurred but then subsequently had their claim denied so that no payments are made to the victim of the accident. Some situations can occur where the person who is at fault for an accident is not present after the accident or is completely unknown. Uninsured motorist insurance in New Jersey will pay for the damages that were caused by an anonymous individual if there is some evidence that the covered driver was not at fault. This can help a driver to regain the use of their vehicle quickly and pay for medical bills but can also lead to a long litigation process once the individual who caused the accident is found.

If a motorcycle rider in WA has no insurance and he rear ends a car can uninsured motorist coverage take care of the car and does the insurance company come after the rider to get the money back?

You got it! If you've got uninsured motorists property damage, then your company will pay for the damage to your vehicle caused by the uninsured motorcycle operator. You may have a small detuctible, $200-$300, and the the insurance company will sue the at-fault party to recover both the money they spent and your deductible, this process is called subrogation. The process works the same if you don't have the uninsured motorists property damage coverage but do have collision.

What is uninsured motorist property damage?

Uninsured motorist property damage, or "UMPD", is basically a form of auto insurance that's one step above liability. Basically when you drive a car and only have liability, your insurance will only cover other vehicles in case of accident, as someone's else's liability or other insurance would cover you if you happen to have gotten hit. Now, if you were to get hit but that person lacked insurance and you only had liability, your only other option to recover any money would be to file a lawsuit. However, lawsuits are simply court orders to pay money and aren't necessarily guaranteed. UMPD would cover your car in case someone happened to hit you and they happened to lack insurance.

You were an uninsured driver in a car accident in Missouri The other driver had uninsured motorist coverage but now you are being called by his insurance company requesting payment you have no money a?

yes the insurance company will come after you to pay the bill they used in fixing their driver's car. the point i do not know is that, are you responsible to pay the deductible or pay the total, what are this insurance people for anyways, they only make money they do not spend money... try talk to and insurance agency and see if you are to pay a percentage of the money or all.

Can your uninsured auto insurance cover an accident you have on your motorcycle if that doesn't have uninsured insurance?

Yes and no. Yes if it to cover medical expenses. You can pull on your med-pay and your uninsured motorist policy I believe. But don't expect them to cover damages to car. I would stick with med-pay as a better option though. Attorney! Attorney!! Attorney!!! That's what I have to say. Insurance company want to save money! Yours and theirs. Their job is to pay out as litte as possible! Yes you pay attorney fees but you also get thousands more!