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Q: Would homeowners insurance pay for carpeting that was damaged by a fire started accidentally in the home?
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Is neighbors damaged car covered by my homeowners insurance?

it depends upon how the car was damaged

Does Homeowners insurance cover damaged shrubbery?

Most certainly not.

Does home insurance cover damaged items in car or auto insurance?

Yes, you are correct. Items in your vehicle that are damaged in an accident or fire or whatever are not covered by you auto insurance unless they are part of your vehicle. The alternative is that they are covered on your homeowners insurance. The downfall to this is that you will have a deductible on your homeowners insurance that you will have to meet first.

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Will homeowners insurance cover a damaged car by the garage door?

No, You'll have to seek coverage for the Car under you Auto Insurance Policy. Now if the garage door was damaged then your Homeowners policy may fix it if it is below your deductible.

How much will homeowners insurance pay for damaged sports collectibles?

It depends what kind of policy you have.

What kind of insurance determines the value of what was destroyed or damaged by fire or other events causing loss?

This would be either your homeowners insurance or your renters insurance.

Will homeowners insurance cover damaged tile from the foundation setteling?

No, that is a maintenance issue. Insurance companies don't pay for maintenance on your house.

Will homeowners insurance cover damage to the walkways damaged by trees?

Homeowners insurance is a "Hazard Insurance" It covers your property from unexpected "Sudden Losses" that result from covered perils such as, Fire, Wind, Hail, Falling objects, Theft etc.

Will homeowners insurance cover damaged the foundation settling caused by drought?

No. Movement of earth is specifically excluded by homeowners insurance. This is the fault of the builder for not compacting the earth properly and providing the proper foundation. Home insurance was not made to cover such.