

Will your home owner insurance go down?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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There are many reasons for home owners insurance to reduce in premium, such as various discounts, security alarm discount, mortgage free discount, home and auto discount, senior discount, claims free discount, new home discount, and the list goes on, as well every year in Ontario your insurance company will either increase there home rates, decrease them or leave them as is, this could also affect the premium. As well your postal rating may become more desirable to the insurance company and it will drop in premium this way. There is honestly so many ways insurance premium can change without being in the industry the best thing I can suggest is to look for discounts, this is the one important thing homeowners can control.

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No. Doesn't affect it at all.

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The insurance company, once things get sorted out, will probably deny your claim. On top of that, the previous owner screwed themselves, because their insurance will go up.

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yes. its HOME owners insurance so what happens must be at your HOME. im pretty sure of that, but not completely ---- Not necessarily. Read your policy. I was amazed when I read mine. It covers reimbursement for counterfeit money. Go figure!

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go to government

Can I still be covered under my parent's insurance and purchase a car in my name?

Generally, the owner of the car must be the one to insure it. If there is a loss, the check for the insurance company payoff will go to the owner of the property. However, some companies offer family discounts.Generally, the owner of the car must be the one to insure it. If there is a loss, the check for the insurance company payoff will go to the owner of the property. However, some companies offer family discounts.Generally, the owner of the car must be the one to insure it. If there is a loss, the check for the insurance company payoff will go to the owner of the property. However, some companies offer family discounts.Generally, the owner of the car must be the one to insure it. If there is a loss, the check for the insurance company payoff will go to the owner of the property. However, some companies offer family discounts.

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go 2 skool dumb asss

Is life insurance consideredpart of the estate?

If the insurance policy owner did not specify a beneficiary or the beneficiary is deceased, then the life insurance proceeds go to the insured's estate.

Where did the home insurance company go after 1931 in Chicago?

why are you not answering my question. where did the Home Insurance Company after 1931?

How can I determine the best insurance to choose when renting a home?

You can go to and read the section on insurance for rent home.