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depends on what that something is? if powered solely by vehicle not covered. otherwise everything else would be covered subject to homeowners deductible


somthings have a special limit,, and no deductables on them, check ur home policy, i believe computer software has a limit of $500 and jewelry has a limit of $2000 .. without deductable. but that's in Ontario, so please read ur policy documents.

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Q: Will my home owner's insurance cover something stolen from my car?
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Does home owners insurance cover money stolen from your house?

It will likely cover up to $200. Good Luck.

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Neither homeowner's insurance will probably cover property stolen from a car. Homeowner's insurance usually only covers stuff stolen from your home. However, the automobile insurance policy might cover it.

Will home owners Insurance cover tools in a vehicle that was stolen?

Yes under personal property/contents

Will Homeowner's Insurance Policy cover something stolen out of a car?

It can. Depends on the item & your deductible.

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Homeowner's insurance WILL NOT cover stolen motorcycles. Motorcycles is an automobile. Sorry!

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No, It is the schools choice to obtain coverage for losses from theft on school property or not. Your homeowners insurance would not cover the losses of another party.

Will your home owners insurance cover stolen wedding ring?

If it is scheduled on your policy and premium was paid, the wedding ring would be covered for the perils specified on the policy.

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If YOUR belongings were in the friend's car and they were stolen, they are covered on YOUR homeowners or renters policy. If your friend's belongings were stolen from a car, HIS or HER homeowners/renters policy would pay.

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