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It depends on the specific perils and exclusions of your policy. But generally speaking most insurance policies exclude any damaged caused by settling or earth movement.

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Q: Will homeowners insurance cover slab that has settled and cracked to the extent it has pulled away from the house?
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Do homeowners insurance claims cover accidental bodily harm?

Homeowners Insurance is specific to the named insured(s). It would only cover liability to the extent the named insured is somehow liable for the injury or bodily harm. Most accidental injuries are best addressed with the injured persons own medical insurance coverage.AnswerThey usually do not but every agreement is a unique one you have to go through yours with the fine print also.

Does an owners liability insurance cover damages to contents of renters property if the homeowner is negligent?

No, a homeowners insurance policy does not provide coverage for the property of a tenant. That's what "Renters Insurance" is for.If the renter chose not to purchase a renter insurance policy, Then the renter was negligent to the extent that the renter chose not to purchase a renter insurance policy, perhaps with the mistaken belief that the owners policy would cover them.

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Typically, the homeowners policy of the homeowner whose property is damaged by a storm would pay for the storm damage. However, coverage may depend on the specific policy terms, deductibles, and limitations. It is best to consult with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage and any applicable exclusions.

Is replacement cost value or actual cash value a better choice for homeowners insurance?

Homeowners Insurance, Replacement Value Verses Actual Cash ValueIt really depends on your situation.If you have a newer home, then ACV is probably fine for you and will save you a little money. Your recent purchase price or Market value is much higher than the cost of building your home. A builder would not typically build the house and then sell it to you for less money than it cost him to build it.If the home is an older home or has depreciated to the extent that it would cost more to build than it is currently valued. Then you should choose a homeowners policy with replacement cost.

What is covered with motor breakdown insurance?

"Normally the entire engine, not the transmission is covered with motor breakdown insurance. The extent of your motor breakdown insurance will determine what is covered and what is not."

Unoccupied Property Insurance Important for Vacant Homes?

Many homeowners believe that their insurance company will provide coverage for a house in which no one is living. This is true�but only to an extent. If your home is unoccupied for 30 days or more, you need unoccupied house insurance. If your insurance company discovers that no one is living in your home, your policy could be cancelled. Why? Unoccupied residences are prime targets for thieves and vandals, therefore making them high risk. Unoccupied house insurance is an attractive option for consumers who are moving, experiencing extended vacations, or have emergencies that take them away from their residence.

Property insurance cover stolen motorcycle?

No, your homeowners insurance would not provide coverage for the theft of your motorcycle, regardless of where you parked it. Homeowners insurance only provides coverage for certain ATVs, golf carts, riding lawn mowers but not for a motorcycle nor any vehicle designed to be operated on a public road.That's what your motorcycle insurance policy is for.AnswerThis would depend on the description in the policy for the types of perils that are covered. Broad perils or specific perils. Each carrier can have different definitions of the perils and what they will cover for those perils. In a broad peril form of insurance, a motorcycle would be covered if, and again if, the item was inside the home in storage. The motorcycle would not be covered if in use and out of storage. That is when the motorcycle insurance would need to be in place.I would recommend getting very high limits for bodily injury and property damage when it comes to motorcycle insurance. The reason for it is due to extent of potential injuries to the riders and passengers.

Which of these provides the funds needed for expenses such as property taxes homeowners insurance mortgage insurance etc?

The escrow account that is established by the mortgage holder pays most of these expenses. From each mortgage payment made by the borrower, a certain portion goes into the escrow account. Then, when these expenses become due, the lender pays them from the escrow account. If there is an insufficient amount in the excrow account, the borrower is required to pay the balance. The main exception to this is homeowners insurance, which the borrower may get him/herself. The lender will require that it be named as an "additional insured" on the policy. This serves to secure the lender's financial interest in the property to the extent of the amount still owing. That is, the insurer will name the lender on the settlement check along with the insured's name. In that way, the lender can ensure that repairs are made and the value of the property is preserved. If the borrower does not get homeowners insurance, the lender can get it to secure its financial interest alone. This is often referred to as a "single interest" policy.

Which of these provides the funds needed for expenses such as property taxes homeowners insurance mortgage insurance etc.?

The escrow account that is established by the mortgage holder pays most of these expenses. From each mortgage payment made by the borrower, a certain portion goes into the escrow account. Then, when these expenses become due, the lender pays them from the escrow account. If there is an insufficient amount in the excrow account, the borrower is required to pay the balance. The main exception to this is homeowners insurance, which the borrower may get him/herself. The lender will require that it be named as an "additional insured" on the policy. This serves to secure the lender's financial interest in the property to the extent of the amount still owing. That is, the insurer will name the lender on the settlement check along with the insured's name. In that way, the lender can ensure that repairs are made and the value of the property is preserved. If the borrower does not get homeowners insurance, the lender can get it to secure its financial interest alone. This is often referred to as a "single interest" policy.

Can your boss refuse to give you health insurance?

In the UK a company has to have certain liability insurance for the public and employees. The type and extent of that insurance would depend on the business itself. No company is required to supply personal health insurance outside of the liabilities of such insurance.

How can a Homeowners association recover for damage to community property?

Your answer depends on many variables including:What is the extent of the damage?Who caused the damage?What insurance carried by the association is invoked based on the damage?What is the deductible for the category of damage?Best practices dictate that the damage be reported to the appropriate authorities -- criminal, if necessary, and then to turn the repair and its cost over to their master insurance policy carrier.If no insurance covers the damage, the board may be required to assess additional monies from owners in proportion to their allocated interest in the common area ownership to pay for repairs.

Are you ok to start training after 5 weeks of rest after cracked rib?

Depending on the extent of the fracture you can do exercise to what your pain limits you. Remember fractured ribs differ from a broken rib to the extent of the separation. If there is a serious break you can injure soft organ tissue.