Yes, it will run but the coolant will mix with the oil and eventually destroy the engine. An engine with a cracked head should not be driven until the head is replaced.
Yes it can but you risk doing more damage internally if coolant is mixing with the motor oil.
This can be caused by a cracked head or blown head gasket.
If it's mixing coolant with the motor oil, not for long.
Depending where it is cracked, yes. A cracked head can also simulate an overheated engine by pushing coolant out of the coolant reservoir.
Blown head gasket or cracked head. STOP driving this car NOW. Serious engine damage will occur if you continue to run this engine in this condition.
You have a blown head gasket or a cracked head. STOPdriving this car immediately until you have it repaired. You will destroy this engine if you continue to run it.
Can be a defective plug wire, burnt valve, cracked head, or blown head gasket. Replace the spark plug wires. If you still have the miss, have a compression test run on all cylinders. Low compression on cylinder #4 indicates a burnt valve, cracked head, or blown head gasket.
It Could Be Any Of The Three.Remove The Head, Have It Tested. After Checking Gasket. The Head May Be Warped From Overheating And Normal Use. If The Head Gasket Is OK. I Suggest To Have The Head Tested. But The Block Could Be Cracked. If The Car Has An Aluminum Head As Most Do It Probably Is The Head Is Cracked. Heck Run It By A Good Radiator Shop And Have It Tested Under Pressure. See What They Suggest. Sorry To Be Of Such Little Help. My Bet Head. Best To You
not good since most transmission coolers are inside the radiator. if you drive a car with a cracked radiator you can overheat the trans fluid causing the fluid to break down and also you run the risk of damaging the head/head gasket(s).
You probably have a bad head gasket or a cracked head. If your getting coolant mixing with motor oil and you continue to run it you will destroy the engine soon.
If it is cracked, the vehichle may be driveable, but if it's blown, there's not going to be any cylinder compression and the engine won't run.