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Any number of reasons, 1 the driver was excluded or otherwise not an insured under your policy. or 2 insurance proof was not furnished in a form of writing when requested by the law enforcement officer.

Answer"Why would someone get a ticket for no proof of insurance, when she is insured?"

In most states, you are required to provide proof of insurance if stopped by an officer. If you cannot furnish a current insurance card he has the option of issuing a traffic ticket.

Normally you can take a notarized letter from you insurance carrier to the clerk indicating coverage for the driver was in effect and the ticket will be dismissed.

However you state in your post that your wife is excluded. If a person has been excluded from the policy she is in fact driving without insurance.

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Q: Why would someone get a ticket for no proof of insurance when she is insured?
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Can you get a no insurance ticket for car if your drivers license is insured?

You can't insure a driver's license. The ticket would have been issued to whoever was driving at the time the police issued it. If you had no proof of insurance with you - and that is required in most states - then you can be ticket for not having it with you.

I got a ticket for having no proof of insurance if i go to court with insurance will my ticket get droped?

The ticket will only get dropped if you have proof that you HAD insurance at the time of the ticket had been issued. You may get the ticket fine lowered with proof that you now have the required insurance.

How much will a no proof of insurance ticket cost in Michigan?

There is not a ticket charge for a no proof of insurance in Michigan. You are given a ticket for other things, such as speeding.

If you get a speeding ticket while driving someone else's car do you have to show proof of insurance when you pay the ticket?

no, but if you want to pay less for the ticket then yes

How do you find out if you are the beneficiary of someone's life insurance?

You have to ask the insured. By Law, the Life Insurance company cannot tell you unless they have proof that the Insured is dead. They would be violating the privacy law. *Check with The Center for Life Insurance Disputes.

How much would a ticket for broken headlights and lack of proof of insurance raise your insurance rates?

get your headlight fixed drive carefully and get insured soon as possible-been there done that got very lucky and was'nt ask to show proof

Can you still get a no proof of insurance ticket with an auto insurance binder?

No....a binder is a form of proof of insurance

Do I have to show proof of insurance if my car was parked when it was hit by another person?

Yes, if the vehicle is registered, in most states, you must have it insured. If the officer asks for proof of insurance, you are required to show it to him. If you do not have it, he may issue you a ticket. It does not matter if the car was in motion or parked.

If your friend gets a speeding ticket in your car and is NOT insured but you are and they didn't give the officer your insurance info what will happen?

In the US insurance has nothing to do with speeding. If your state has mandatory insurance, the fact that your car is insured is good enough but the officer may want to see proof of insurance. Here it is the vehicle that is insured, not the driver. In UK you should not let anyone drive your car on the public road without checking they are insured. You can be fined if you let them drive without insurance.

What do they mean when they ask are you insured?

Do you have any insurance. If driving, they ask for your proof of auto insurance.

If you got a no insurance ticket in a car you drove that is not insured but you have full coverage on another vehicle?

No proof of insurance on the vehicle. Just because you have one car with insurance does not mean that you are covered on any vehicle that you drive. Your best bet is to add the vehicle to your policy, go to court, show them you now have proof of insurance, and you should be okay then.

What should you do if you left your insurance card at home and got a ticket for no proof of insurance?

go to traffic court and take your proof of insurance with you. this will prove to the judge that you have insurance and they will usually remove that part of the ticket.