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You can't insure a driver's license. The ticket would have been issued to whoever was driving at the time the police issued it. If you had no proof of insurance with you - and that is required in most states - then you can be ticket for not having it with you.

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Q: Can you get a no insurance ticket for car if your drivers license is insured?
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Can you get ticket with insurance but expired license?

You have insurance and drivers license is expired can you be ticketed

What will happen if you do not have your drivers license and insurance with you when involved in a minor accident?

You will get a ticket for these violations but if you bring them with you to court and they show that you were licensed and insured on the date of the accident, these charges will be dismissed.

Does a illegal tint ticket go on your insurance?

You should have received a fix-it ticket. Moving violations appear against your drivers license. Insurance companies can consider it when issuing insurance if it appears on your driving record. However, if you are already insured, It probably won't affect your rates.

What will happen if a fully insured driver hit your car and you have no insurance?

You may get a ticket for no insurance. But you can still file a claim under the at fault drivers auto insurance.

Do you need insurance to pay a no car insurance ticket?

No, you don't need insurance to pay the ticket. However, Since almost all U.S. states these days will suspend your drivers license for having been found guilty of driving without insurance. You will need to buy insurance before you can get the drivers license suspension lifted.

If you have a ticket in California can you get your license in Kentucky?

if i have a ticket in California can i get a drivers license in Kentucky

What happens no drivers license but car is insured in someone else's name and you get pulled over?

What happens is at the discretion of the officer that stops you and the guidelines for that particular state. The officer may merely ticket and release you for no drivers license since the car is at least insured. But he has the authority to arrest you and impound the car. He also has the authority to ticket the owner of the vehicle if they knowingly allowed an unlicensed driver to operate their vehicle.

Will the owner's auto insurance increase if his friend with an international drivers license gets a speeding ticket while driving the car but doesn't pay it in Minnesota?

Often out of state tickets will not show up on your license if you just pay them. Failing to pay a ticket brings it to the attention of the state, and it gets put into the state drivers license database. Once that happens, the insurance companies get a copy of it and it affects your insurance rates.

What happens when a driver carrying SR22 insurance in South Carolina receives a speeding ticket for going 80 mph in a 70 mph zone?

You have to pay the ticket or fight it just like every body else. SR22 Insurance is the same as Auto Insurance, Except that a court has ordered you to have your insurer file a Form SR22 as proof that you are insured with the state to assure them you are properly insured so that your drivers license was not suspended. The SR22 is usually ordered because of a prior citation, usually for drinking and driving or driving without insurance or for a prior accident without insurance.

What do you do if you get a ticket for no insurance in Texas?

First Pay the Ticket. Then Pay for the Insurance that you were supposed to have. Then Pay for an Sr22 Filing fee so your Drivers License does not get suspended. Then you pay the state an extra hundred dollars a year for the next few years if you wanna keep the drivers license. Fines and fees total around a thousand dollars right now.

What happens if you have auto insurance but no drivers licnese and you get into an accident that is not your fault will the person at fault insurance still take care of the damages to your car?

You get a ticket and your insurance goes up. You can not drive without a license and if you cost the insurance company money they raise your premiums especially if you get a ticket

If you have a drivers license in two different states and your insurance company only has one drivers license can they find out about a ticket on the other one?

Yes, if they run your information through the interstate system. When you apply for auto insurance, the insurance company checks your driving history via your name/dob/social security/drivers license number. The insurance company can see tickets/accidents recorded in other states and will base your insurance rate upon your driving history. If you have a drivers license in two different states, you are committing a crime in at least one state.