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More than likely, there is air in the brake line or a leak in the line. Go to a mechanic and have the brakes "bled". He'll know what you are talking about. It's fairly inexpensive to do. Bad brakes, bad master cylinder, broken brake line, low brake fluid.

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Q: Why on a 1985 jeep the brake peddled goes to the floor?
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Brake peddle firm until engine starts then goes to floor?

replace brake booster

1997f-350 brake pedal goes to floor?

ouch,are brakes adjusted correctly/ sit in vehical and pump pedal to get a full pedal,then hold pedal to see if it bleeds off and goes to floor,if it stays, replace shoes and pads if it goes to floor, there is a fluid leak somewhere is there brake fluid in the resevoir/ are there any brake fluid leaks ,check backside of wheels there is a brake fluid pump, on the chassis rail about level with the front of the front door on the left side.if this pump is bad your pedal will go to the floor

Brake pedal almost goes to the floor before it engages the brakes?

Probable causes: Low or no fluid in reservoir; Worn brake pads/shoes; Air in brake lines; Leaking brake line.

What type of brake fluid goes into a 1985 Chevy s-10 blazer?

dot 3 or 4

When pressing brake have slight pressure initiallythen it goes to the floor If you hold the brake pedal to the floor you will have some breaking power Fluid levels are ok?

try and bleed brakes , if that wont work you need a master cylander

When we bleed the brakes with the car turned off turned off the brakes seem good As soon as you start the car and the power assist kicks in the brake pedal goes right to the floor Help?

Brake Pedal Goes to the Floor After BleedingAlthough there could be more than one reason, I suspect that even though you may have bled the brake system, AND the brake fluid reservoir is full, your brake bleeding was not successful, and you STILL HAVE AIR IN THE BRAKE LINES, or in the wheel brake slave cylinders.

Is it normal if brake pedal goes within 2 inches of floor on a 1999 Saturn 1 after replacing brake pads and bleeding system if car stops ok?

No Good, Excessive brake travel!

Why brake pedal goes to the floor when system has no leaks?

Could be low brake fluid or just worn brakes in need of replacement. Could also be a faulty master cylinder.

Why does the brake peddle goes to floor?

Low brake fluid, drums/rotors in need of replacement, pads in need of replacement, air in the brake lines, worn master cylinder, brakes out of adjustment... all possible reasons.

What happens when the master cylinder goes out in a Buick Skylark?

When you press and hold the brake pedal it will slowly move to the floor. It can also have a catastrophic failure and go straight to the floor with no stopping ability at all. If you hold the brake pedal down and it slowly moves to the floor any at all, replace the master cylinder.

What happens if brake master cylinder goes to floor but pumps back up?

Replace it. It's what we call "blow-by", the seals are shot.

In a 1992 Bonneville if your brake pedal goes all the way to the floor with no pressure what could the problem if no fluid is leaking?

Master cylinder failure.