

Best Answer

!. You could have a bad heater core.

2. You could have a blown fuse.

3. Your thermostat could be bad.

4. Your air conditioning could be on.

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Q: Why is there no warm air from the vents in my supra?
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Heater on but not blowing warm air?

heater on at idle and will not blow warm air. when moving it blows the warm air from the vents. what will cause this

What allows warm air to vent out of the SSS?

End panel vents

Where are warm-air vents usually located in a forced-air heating system?

Near The Floor

Why does the 2 drivers side air vents on a 1998 Chevy Venture blow warm air and the 2 air vents on the passengers side and the rear vents blow ice cold air when the AC is on?

The blend door actuator may not be working.

What types of motorcycle apparel have vents in the clothes to provide more air circulation?

Almost all motorcycle jackets have vents to help with air circulation on warm days.

Sienna rear air conditioner blows warm air?

The rear air conditioner of a Sienna will begin to blow warm air if the vent is incorrectly set. This will cause warm air to enter the vents rather than air conditioned air.

How do you stop condensate from forming in supply vents on a residential air conditioner?

The air is probably too cold causing condensation at the vents. try increasing the air flow which will warm it a few degrees.

Why your van vents blow warm air idle but cold when driving?

good question

In force-air heating systems where are warm-air vents usually located?

Near the floor. This allows natural convection currents to mix the warm air as it rises to the ceiling.

What causes Condensing unit to blow cold air outside and warm air inside vents?

Compressor not operating.

Why is warm air blowing out of left side vents and cold out of right vents when air con is on in your 2000 grandprix gt?

The climate control is not operating for the passenger side. Check to insure the physical controls work, and the diverter vents are opening to let the cool air to the passenger side.

Why Heater vents are usually placed near the floor?

Warm(er) air rises - if vents were high up there would be little circulation without fans.