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The climate control is not operating for the passenger side. Check to insure the physical controls work, and the diverter vents are opening to let the cool air to the passenger side.

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Q: Why is warm air blowing out of left side vents and cold out of right vents when air con is on in your 2000 grandprix gt?
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You may need to have your AC charged

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Trouble code P0410 means: Secondary AIR System Performance

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There is not a fuse that controls the air to your vents in your 2000 Toyota. The vents are controlled by blending doors. The doors open and close to direct air to the desired location.

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I have a 2000 daewoo nubria and i get this problem sometimes...if its just that nothing is coming out of the vents but you have the heat or ac on pop the hood and open it then let it slam shut mine usually starts right up after that.

How do you change a fuel pump on a 1999 Pontiac grandprix gtp?

unfortunately they didnt put in an access hole under the rear seat until 2000 so you have to drop the gas tank and it is located on top of the gas tank. take off the retainer and it comes right out.

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it is a known problems with grandprix's i ahve a 2000 grandprix gt my throttel cable was sticking it was as simple as taking it to gm and haveing them replace the cable there was a recall on the cable

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The door switch, (a little push button on the wall that the door smacks against, is probably stuck. But they are a pain to replace.

Why is the speed and temp control fuse constantly blowing on a 2000 Ford F150?

well are they getting paid for blowing?