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it simply means you have to add freon to ur air can buy freon at any auto parts store.

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Q: Why is the air conditioner in a car blowing out hot air?
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Why is your car ac blowing hot air?

There are three main possible causes to explain why a car air conditioner is blowing hot air. These causes are a worn out compressor, refrigerant leak, and an electrical problem.

Why is my air conditioner not blowing hot?

it's an air conditioner because you made it into cool

Why is your car's air conditioner blowing hot air if it already has freon?

Compressor not running?Heater control in heat position?

Why is your air conditioner in car blowing hot air?

Typically if you are getting hot air you need to recharge your freeon(spelling). It is something that can be done at home, but i strongly encourage professional charging.

Why do you get hot air blowing out your air conditioner?

I get hot air coming out of my air conditioner on the passenger side, while I get cold air coming out the drivers side. Can you tell me why and how do I find the schematic to fix it?

Air conditioner is only blowing cool air but refrigerant is full of freon. Heater not blowing hot air either?

Check the temperature control cable

Air conditioner blowing hot air have already added freon what could be the problem?

bad condenser

Why is your air conditioner blowing out hot air?

1) The thermostat is set high 2) It needs coolant/fre.on

Blowing hot air out of the air conditioner of a 1994 Chevy s10?

AC System probably needs refrigerant added.

Why your car air conditioner blows cold and then hot air?

Well the main reason why your car blows out cold then hot is because the air conditioner may not be working properly. You should go to the car shop and get it fixed.

What does it mean when a car gets hot but blows cold air?

The Air Conditioner is on

What if your car ac blowing hot air after you changed the battery why?

your car ac will only blow hot air when there coolannt in the car is finished or the car is oveerheated.