

Why is my car insurance so high?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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Car insurance companies use many different factors to determine your car insurance rate. Not everyone gets the same rate even if they have the same insurance company. If you are paying to much for insurance these or some of the main factors that effect your rate:

1. Your driving record. Violations on your driving record will make your insurance rates go up. These would include moving violations and At Fault accidents.

2. Your age and gender. Rates are higher based on your driving experience. The younger you are, most likely that your rates will be higher. Also rates for young males tend to be higher.

3. Where you live. Insurance companies rate different zip codes differently based on many other factors. Some areas have higher rates.

4. Your vehicle coverages. Rates are different for different cars and coverages. Ask your insurance company about your coverages and how they effect your rate.

5. Miles. Rates are also based on annual miles, if you don't drive to much you can get a lower rate.

6. Discounts. Are you getting all discounts? Insurance companies offer many discounts so ask if you qualify for any. Some are multi-car discounts, multi-policy discounts, good student discount, affinity group discounts, and other discounts.

Overall review your policy to see what you actually have and feel free to shop around. Call other insurance companies and see if they can offer you a lower rate. Different insurance companies offer different rates for your situation, so shop around to get the best car insurance rates.

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