It was the name given in 1992 by Rick Sharp(Former Circuit City and Carmax exec.) He wanted something that sounded "Big Box" and appeal to the "Average" consumer.
Carmax symbol is not a cherry, that's a flavored Carmax. Regular Carmax does not have a symbol.
CarMax's population is 2,005.
Carmax is a publicly owned and traded company.
CarMax Auto Finance locations are found at all CarMax dealerships. The CarMax Auto Finance headquarters is located at 1800 Parkway Pl SE, Marietta, GA.
The first CarMax location opened for business in September of 1993.
The symbol for CarMax Inc in the NYSE is: KMX.
Carmax is a car dealer and vaseline is a lubricant-so no.
No, there is not a CarMax in Seattle, or even in the state of Washington. The nearest CarMax to you is in Roseville, California.
There are an online site called, they are the same as carmax however they are online. There are no other companies that offer used cars that are national.
The now defunct Circuit City. More details at Carmax's web site.
There are currently 108 CarMax stores in the US and they are still growing.
Carmax will most likely not buy used Holden Barinas unless there is a Carmax in Australia. This car is not very popular in the United States unfortunately.