Low air pressure in one or more of the tires. Worn suspension parts or steering parts. Loose wheel lug nuts. Worn or loose wheel bearing.
the tree was swaying like wave
The symptoms of a bad sway bar are when your car goes over bumps or railroad tracks, the back of your car will feel like it is swaying from side to side or toward one side. It can also make some noises that would be coming from under the car.
Sounds like wheel bearings.
John began to feel hypnotized by the rhythmic swaying of the dancers.
Epoxy the wheels to the axle.
An earthquake can feel like shaking or trembling of the ground. It may be accompanied by a rolling or swaying motion, similar to being on a boat. The intensity and duration of shaking can vary depending on the magnitude of the earthquake.
Because they FEEL like it!!!!!
If you see leaks or broken parts. Also if car keeps bouncing, swaying badly or diving excessively on braking
A slight judder.
The word: "swaying" has two syllables.
Earthquakes can feel like a sudden jolt or shaking of the ground, similar to a heavy truck passing by or a train rumbling nearby. The intensity of the shaking varies depending on the magnitude of the earthquake and your proximity to the epicenter. Earthquakes can also create a rolling motion, a swaying sensation, or a series of quick jolts.