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These states only require one rear plate. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virgina. Reason for requiring front plate: The only reason I can think of is tax revenue and so the police can read the plate from the front of the vehicle.

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Q: Why do you need a front license plate in Ohio?
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Related questions

Do I need a front license plate in Idaho?

Yes, Idaho requires front license plate.

Is not having a front license plate in Ohio a moving violation?

It violates Ohio law to not display a license plate from the front of your vehicle. However, it is not considered a "moving violation". FYI: Due to a loophole in the Ohio Revised Code, you need only to display the plate from the front of the car, which does include just placing it on the dash board. --- The front of the car means the front of the car. The windshield is the middle of the car. You will pay for that ticket.

Do you need a license plate light in Ohio?

Yes it is the law.

How many license plates do you need in new york?

you need two. A front license plate and a back license plate.

What is the Arkansas law on front license plates?

The state of Arkansas does not require you have a front license plate. You only need a rear plate.

Do you need a front license plate in New Jersey?

Yes, by law, you are required to have a front license plate in the state of New Jersey.

Do you need a front license plate in the state of Pennsylvania?


Do you need a front license plate in Pennsylvania?

No you do not need a liscense plate on the fromy of your vehicle in Pennsylvania

Do you need a front license plate in Hawaii?

Hawaii license plate laws require two license plates on passenger vehicles - one on the front of the car and another to the rear.

Do you need a front license plate in Virginia?

Both front and rear state license plates are manditory in Virginia.

Where do you attach a front license plate on a Jeep Liberty?

You need to purchase a license plate mount. Once that's attached, the plate can be affixed to the mount.

Can i use my front license plate on the back of my car in calif?

temporarily you will still need to get a front plate and stickers for the back