Yes, Idaho requires front license plate.
You only need one license plate on your car in the state of Idaho. There is only one place to put a license plate on a car, and one required.
you need two. A front license plate and a back license plate.
The state of Arkansas does not require you have a front license plate. You only need a rear plate.
NO - only if you are REGISTERED in the new state, and do NOT put a front plate on - for example, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. If your car is registered legally in PA ( Rear plate only) and you drive in to New Jersey, you can not be stopped for not having a front plate - only cars REGISTERED in NJ need the front plate.
No you do not need a liscense plate on the fromy of your vehicle in Pennsylvania
Hawaii license plate laws require two license plates on passenger vehicles - one on the front of the car and another to the rear.
Both front and rear state license plates are manditory in Virginia.
You need to purchase a license plate mount. Once that's attached, the plate can be affixed to the mount.
temporarily you will still need to get a front plate and stickers for the back