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Q: Why do auto insurance want medical coverage for their poilites?
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Type of insurance is the same as medical coverage?

In auto insurance, personal injury protection coverage is the same as medical coverage.

What type of insurance is the same as medical?

In auto insurance, personal injury protection coverage is the same as medical coverage.

What type of insurance is the same as medical coverage?

In auto insurance, personal injury protection coverage is the same as medical coverage.

What is a description of the options available with auto insurance?

Options available with auto insurance are Liability, Medical coverage, Collision and comprehensive coverage, and Uninsured motorist coverage.SK(APEX)

What is the difference between full coverage auto insurance and liability only insurance?

Full coverage auto insurance covers everything. If the car is totaled they will will replace it. Liability auto insurance will only cover medical bills, and not the car if it is totaled.

What different kinds of insurance policies does Prestige Insurance offer?

"Auto insurance provides property, liability and medical coverage:

What to do if auto ins policy isn't enough to cover my medical bills after accident?

If you have a health insurance policy (Medical Insurance) it will pick up where your auto coverage left off.

What does medical coverage on auto insurance policy covers?

Medical bills for yourself and anyone else in your car in case of an accident

What does medical coverage on an auto insurance policy cover?

Medical bills for yourself and anyone else in your car in case of an accident

Does no fault insurance pay for massage?

Auto insurance is basically not a medical insurance. However, if you are involved in an accident and need medical attention or treatment from phisotheraphy or massage can be approved and paid by the insurance company based upon the medical reports and the need for the same. Massage treatment would fall under no fault coverage of the auto policy for eg in Ontario where this coverage is compulsory. In some parts of state this coverage is covered.

What happens if medical expenses exceed auto insurance coverage after an auto accident?

1. Most states have a requirement that a registrant of an auto maintain "personal injury protection" (PIP) coverage (altho the name may be different). This is the essence of so-called no-fault auto insurance. Essentially, it pays a percentage of the insured's own medical bills and lost wages, up to a maximum amount, arising from an auto collision. It pays those expenses irrespective of fault for the collision. 2. Most insurers also offer a Medical Payments coverage. This is often an optional coverage. It pays an additional amount toward medical expenses , and often coordinates with the PIP coverage. Therefore, if the PIP coverage pays 80% of the medical bills, up to the policy limits, the medical payments coverage will pay the remaining 20% up to its policy limits. 3. If medical expenses exceed #1 and #2, one's major medical insurance is triggered. The auto insurance is "primary" in the sense that its benefits have to be exhausted before major medical insurance is called upon to pay. This is because auto insurance is required by state "financial responsibility laws" and for the further reason that it and the major medical insurance contain "coordination of benefits" provisions making the auto insurance primary. 4. If medical expenses still exceed the total available auto insurance and major medical insurance (including, if there is no major medical insurance), the injured party/insured is personally responsible for unpaid amounts. In this situation, the health care provider frequently is willing to work out payment arrangements. Alternatively, the unpaid amounts may be discharged in bankruptcy, but this is a very drastic step and should be avoided if at all possible.

Can you provide me with liability insurance quotes for auto coverage?

I can provide you with liability insurance quotes for auto coverage.