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because you are now considered a high risk home owner. serious

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Q: Why did your house insurance double after your claim?
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Do you pay taxes on house insurance claim?

income taxes ? no insurance payments are exempt

If your bike gets stolen from someone elses house who claims on the insurance?

If you owned it, you claim on your insurance.

How long do you have to file a claim on your house insurance in va?

You will have to check your home owner's policy. It is a contract that you have with the insurance company and will specify how long you have to file a claim.

Does property insurance cover damages caused by a tree falling on my house?

Definetely you can claim for the damages caused by the tree falling on your house. The Insurance companies cover these damages under the property insurance. Just you have provide the photos of the damaged house aas an evidence to claim your money.

Can you claim on your insurance if a neighbors tree damages your house?

Probably. Contact your insurance. They may file against your neighbor's insurance.

If your daughter lives in your house for two years rent free and you have paid the insurance and taxes does she have the right to claim the house?

If your name is on the deed, it is your house. A judge's decision should go in your favour if you have paid the insurance and taxes because she has no real claim to owning the property.

When does insurance pay out after the sale of a house?

Only if the insured incident occured before the sale of the house (and the claim placed prior to sale). It is at the date of the claim not relevant to selling.

What is the time limit to file for an insurance claim in Illinois?

The time limit to file for an insurance claim in Illinois depends on the type of claim it is, such as house or car. Typically you have one year form the date of the incident to file. Your insurance company may set different limits.

Can you purchase liability insurance only when you need it?

By "only when you need it" do you mean only when you are aware of a claim or potential claim? If so, the answer is "NO". You cannot buy insurance on a burning house, so to speak.

Could you claim on your car insurance if your car burnt your home down?

Sure, you can make a claim for the damage done to the car if you have physical damage coverage. As for the home, only your home insurance will pay for the damage to the house. The house insurance will not pay for a car and an auto policy will not pay for a house. Even if the same incident gets both.

Where does insurance claims money come from?

When you get insurance on a car, a house, a boat, you pay the insurance company money, known as premiums. The insurance company invests that money. When there is a claim, some of the premium, along with some of the interest from the invested money, is used to pay the claim.

If you were paid by an insurance company 6 years ago to get a new roof but did not and now have a different insurance company on the same house can you make a claim on the roof with new company?

You can make a claim, but if you are claiming the same damages that is insurance fraud and it is a federal crime. If you have unrelated damages you can make a claim, or you can disclose the prior claim to your insurance carrier and they will advise you if there is any coverage that would apply.