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Sure, you can make a claim for the damage done to the car if you have physical damage coverage. As for the home, only your home insurance will pay for the damage to the house. The house insurance will not pay for a car and an auto policy will not pay for a house. Even if the same incident gets both.

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Q: Could you claim on your car insurance if your car burnt your home down?
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You would need to file a police report and file a vandalism claim.

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Normally 3 years

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It depends on the details of the case- was there fire detectors and such? How did it burn down? In general, unless you have an unbelievable lawyer, get ready to pay for the apartment.

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Most companies do not require you to report the accident to your own insurance company, but if you later find out the person did not have valid insurance or the other insurance company refuses to pay and then you later have to file a claim on your policy, it will slow down the claim process. Plus, each state has a statute on the time limit you have to file a claim and want it to be covered.

Can you turn down a total by the insurance company and pay to have your car repaired by myself and still have car insurance?

Yeah, there should be no problem cancelling a claim on your insurance if it isn't under way already.

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