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I would call their insurance, if you did not know who they are or they didn't have insurance, I would call your company and they can get the ball rolling.

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Q: Whose insurance should I call if there was a car accident and it was their fault?
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Your son who has a car and his own car insurance used your car for the weekend he was in a accident the fault so far lies with the other driver whose insurance is responsible for the damages to your c?

The driver at fault is always responsible for damages incurred during an accident. The at fault insurance company is responsible for damages to your car.

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The at-fault party's insurance should cover your vehicle. EVEN THOUGH OUR INSURANCE HAD RUN OUT BY AMONTH?

Are you still at fault if the other person does not have insurance?

Yes, If the accident was your fault, then it is your fault. Whether or not they have insurance has nothing to do with who's at fault, or who actually caused the accident.

What happens if you are in a car accident and you have insurance but the person who causes accident does not have insurance?

My plan was denied and it was not my fault it was the other drivers fault because police and show up to make a police report it is really his mind

If you are a passenger in another persons automobile and you sustain injuries in an accident whose insurance pays for medical bills?

The insurers of the driver who was deemed to be at fault for the accident.

What happens if an accident is your fault and you have have insurance?

When this happens, your Insurance company pays for damages. If the accident is your fault, your insurance rates can go up.

If your car was in an accident and the other person driving was at fault. Who's insurance should pay for your car damage?

the insurance of the person responsible for the accident

Whose rates increase when a third party has an accident while driving the others car?

Insurance stays with the vehicle, the policy that insures the 'at fault' vehicle will have the rate increase should there be one.

How long does an at fault insurance company have to settle your auto accident claim if they are at fault?

it depends on whose fault is it. if yours than around 8 months. if there's than probably 4 months.

Is a driver with no insurance at fault in an accident?

He may be at fault for not having insurance. He may or may not be at fault for the accident. Whether or not a driver carries insurance is a separate issue than the one concerning who is at fault in an accident. Do not confuse them or let them overlap. A good, objective assessor won't.

Someone hit you an Neither I or other driver has insurance on our car who is at fault?

Who is at fault has to do with the accident itself not the insurance coverage. A police report of the accident and looking at the proximate cause of the accident help determine fault.

Does health insurance cover you in a DUI accident if its your fault?

It depends on what type of insurance policy you have. Some states have the "no-fault" insurance policies wherein the insured party may be compensated regardless of who is at fault in the accident.