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The owner of car two, because they either did not properly park their car or did not properly maintain their car so it would remain safely parked.

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Q: Whose fault is it when Car 1 backing from a driveway got hit by Car 2 which was parked in a curb without a driver in it and suddenly started moving backward downhill?
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Are you at fault if you hit a pedestrian backing down your driveway on your property?

Pedestrians have the right of way. Unless you can prove he/she was grosely negligent or did it on purpose then you are at fault. If you are backing down on your private driveway and a neighbor who walks behind your car on your private driveway is hit and falls down who is at fault? The neighbor pedestrian has been drinking, unstable on his feet was standing in his driveway at his car then suddenly is behind my vehicle.

Backing into driveway hit car backing out of same driveway?

BOTH drivers are at fault for backing without caution. If the accident occurred in a driveway on private property, no ticket was probably issued. Turn it over to your insurance companies.

Who's at fault in backing accident out of driveway?

I would say probably the person backing out, as they should of looked for any oncoming cars before backing out. ---- The person backing out of the driveway who did not yield to oncoming traffic.

If you back out of a driveway and strike a moving car who is at fault?

The person backing out of the driveway.

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A turnabout

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Who is at fault when someone is backing out of a driveway and hits a car semi blocking that driveway?

The car that is moving is normally the one at fault. No matter how someone is positioned you should not drive into them (going forward or in reverse). It therefore seems to me that the car backing out of the driveway is at fault.

Who is at fault when a car backing out of a driveway strikes a car going by too fast?

Generally, the one who was backing out of the driveway, because they are the one with duty to yield and also because they had the "last clear chance" to avoid the accident.

When backing out of a driveway with a parked car directly opposite the driveway on a two lane road who is responsible if the car that is backing up hits the parked car?

The car in motion is ALWAYS at fault when it hits a stationary vehicle.

Can you claim on insurance if you have an accident backing out of your driveway?

It depends on the type of insurance, the terms of the contract and the circumstances.

Who is at fault if you back out of your driveway cross 3 lanes put in drive and got hit by another car backing out of his driveway?

If you were fully in the lane, and he is backing from private property onto public property more than likely he will bare the majority of fault/liablilty.

Can you use prior in a sentence?

Example sentence - She looked over her shoulder prior to backing the car out of the driveway.