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Generally, the one who was backing out of the driveway, because they are the one with duty to yield and also because they had the "last clear chance" to avoid the accident.

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Q: Who is at fault when a car backing out of a driveway strikes a car going by too fast?
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Who is at fault when someone is backing out of a driveway and hits a car semi blocking that driveway?

The car that is moving is normally the one at fault. No matter how someone is positioned you should not drive into them (going forward or in reverse). It therefore seems to me that the car backing out of the driveway is at fault.

Who is at fault when a car backing out hits a speeding car in parking lot?

The two insurance companies are going to bicker back and forth about this. The speeding car certainly shares in the fault. The person backing out might, as well, if they were inattentive.

If it is a clear day and you are hit from behind with your flashers going who is at fault?

Unless you are backing up, a rear-end collision is almost always the fault of the person who hits you from behind.

You were backing out of your driveway the other day and your neighbor was backing out at the same time you ended up backing into each other you were both going to go East?

I live on the south side of the street she lives on the north. Our driveways are even with each other. When we bumped into each other my driveside bumper and her front passanger door were dented. Who is more at fault. She was running late for work and did not want too call the police and now she is saying I hit her and it is my fault. Initailly she stated the same as me that neither of us were paying attention to behind us only too oncoming traffic.

Who is at fault is car a missing a parking spot and than back up backing into car b?

The car going backwards.

Who is at fault Car A backs out of driveway on street with no cars in lane facing east while Car B enters middle lane going west and turns left into right lane behind Car A while A is backing up?

Legally the driver who's car "hits" the back of the other car.

Whos at fault backing up in a parking lot?

Backing out of a parking spaceThe person backing up is at fault, they have a greater duty the fact that the person is driving on the wrong side makes no difference. the person shoudl of waited to back out. --yes but like all accidents like these, it is circumstantial; if person A is backing out, person B is flying by @ 20+ mph, person A checks everywhere & sees nothing and proceeds to back out. they are then hit by car A who is at fault for 'not able to control his/her vehicle'. if both are going proper speeds & it is just a bump, it is definitely A's fault, cuz B has the right of way

If you are backing out of your driveway and another vehicle is proceeding on the roadway and you stop with a little of your vehicle in the road would you be found at fault for the accident?

Not enough information. In principle, fault lies with whoever could reasonably have acted to avoid the accident. If your car had been sitting there motionless for, I don't know, twelve seconds, and he came along and smacked into it, then it's almost entirely his fault for not paying attention or for going too fast or for whatever the reason was why he didn't stop in time. If, on the other hand, you car was still rolling when he hit you, then it's probably almost entirely your fault for pulling out in front of oncoming traffic. Or, it could be anywhere in between. Any witnesses?

Who is at fault when someone runs into your rear bumper while you are backing up with cars parked on both sides of you in a single lane parking lot?

you are backing and they are going forward in the lane? more than likely it will be you, that is deemed 'at fault'.......the party backing must use a higher degree of care...doesn't matter (in this instance) that you are hit in the rear.......

Who is at fault if you are hit by a car that is backing out of a parking spot while you are leaving the parking lot going the wrong way?

Your mum, Steve.

Who is at fault in a parking lot backing into a stall and hitting a car that has pulled into the stall you were going to back into?

as a rule the car backing up is more responcible cause they should be being a lot more carefull and watchfull

When backing up car on left was sitting still when car that was going out of stall was half way out of parking stall car on left rolled back and hit passenger wheel well who is at fault?

It sounds like the other vehicle was at fault for improper backing, but each state is different and some are no-fault states. Still, if you were in the roadway or parking lot ailse, then you are considered to have right of way. It is incumbent on the other vehicle to make sure the path is clear before backing into traffic.